HOW TO MAKE YOUR HOUSE SMELL...ALMOST...AS GOOD AS MINE: (This is my recipe and while you may find similar recipes online, you will not find one like this. And I give it to you as a gift. Yeah, free! Why? Because I love you, of course, you silly goose. Pfft!) First, take 1/3 cup of butter Add 1 heaping tea spoon of Lemmon-Pepper and 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder (or 1-2 cloves of fresh, micro-grated Garlic) Mix well with a fork and set aside. Next, take 3 or 4 well-washed potatoes (skin on) and cut into quarters. Take one whole onion and cut into slices. (You decide how thick, but you need to cover the entire bottom of a baking dish. My Pyrex dish is 9X14) Then thoroughly rub potatoes and onion slices with motor oil. (Just kidding, making sure youre paying attention.) Rub with either olive oil or canola oil, making sure all your onion slices and potato quarters are thoroughly oiled, but to avoid a lot of fluid build-up DO NOT USE TOO MUCH OIL, just enough to coat your in-dish vegetables. Then sprinkle with seasonings of your choice. (My personal choice is Tony Chacheres Creole Seasoning with Garlic Powder and regular Black Pepper. Some people go with real Rosemary, Sage and Parsley. If youre on a budget like me, then you go with what makes your taste buds love you without having to spend a lot of money) Take about 6 Garlic Cloves, (Not entire heads of Garlic, but just a few cloves off of one head) cut into halves and place throughout the dish among the potatoes and onions, leaving the Garlic skin on. (At high temperatures a bare Garlic clove will scorch and become bitter. This is not good, so leave the skin on to protect the clove from the high heat.) NOTE: Whole Garlic has an outer paper-like covering and then an inner skin. You can remove the outer paper-like covering but leave the skin on when cooking Garlic at high temperatures for extended periods of time. If you get to the sticky part, you took too much off. Its ok to get down to the sticky part if youre just crushing some cloves for your breakfast or whatever. now that you have your veggies ready, wash your hands to avoid cross-contamination and get ready to prepare your bird. I use Chicken for this particular dish, because believe you me, Blue-Jays are tuff and too small. Next, take one whole chicken (about 5 1/2 - 6 lbs.) wash thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels. (Do whatever you want with the neck, gizzards, heart and liver or whatever other giblets the store blesses you with. I always chunk it, because Ive never tried to make broth or soup with it, and thats all that stuff is really good for anyway.) Take your canola or olive oil and rub the bird down thoroughly all over. Then sprinkle with the seasonings of your choice. Again, I use Tony Chacheres and Black Pepper with Garlic powder. After rubbing down and seasoning the bird, separate the breast skin from the breast meat with your fingers or if necessary with a knife. Be careful not to pierce the breast meat or cut through the skin. After creating a separation between the skin and breast meat, take about 3/4 of your Butter/Lemmon Pepper/Garlic mix and spread under the skin over the breast meat. Once your butter mix is under the skin, you can massage from outside to spread the mix, covering the entire breast area. Take the remainder of your butter compound and rub outside the breast skin and on the top of the whole bird. By doing this, you do not have to open your oven and baste the bird in order to keep it moist, thus affecting the oven temperature and the cook time. I call it auto-basting. You can then simply bake your chicken for an hour and a half without touching it. (You will bake your chicken with the breast upward, as is typical.) Now place the chicken in the middle of your baking dish on top of the onion slices with the potatoes surrounding the bird. Then take an entire head of Garlic, break up into individual cloves and place inside the body cavity. Remember to leave the inner skin on. YOU ARE READY TO COOK: Having pre-heated your oven, place dish on middle rack. (I cook a 5 1/2 lb bird at 350 degrees for 90 minutes. All ovens vary and you know your oven better than I do, so you decide if 350 degrees is enough and adjust your cook time accordingly) Hints: (1) When cooking any meats, Pork, Beef or Poultry, you should have your meat out of the refrigerator for at least half an hour before placing in the oven. A cold piece of meat, straight out of the fridge will shock, dry out and be tuff. (2) After cooking, set your dish on the counter and let sit for at least 10 minutes before cutting and serving. This will allow juices to redistribute and ensure a juicy, tasty meal. Serve your excellent chicken dish with the sides of your choice. (I made a side of stuffing (not inside the bird this time, which is probably better) and green beans. AWESOME!! And I dont mean to brag, but for the last two years, this is what Ive been doing with myself; teaching myself how to cook and getting damn good at it. Follow these instructions and your house will smell almost as good as mine does right now....(SSSSNNIIIIIFFFFFF) mmmMMMMMmmm. Oh and the sandwiches to follow....YOWZAH!! Even as Im still cooking, I have to remind myself, this is not about the sandwiches...this is not about the sandwiches... ENJOY!!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 05:38:19 +0000

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