HOW TO OVERCOME THE SPIRIT OF SUICIDE Do you feel that you can no - TopicsExpress


HOW TO OVERCOME THE SPIRIT OF SUICIDE Do you feel that you can no longer see why you should go on living ?Yes your feelings can seem so unbearable. You may hate yourself and believe that you are useless and not wanted or needed by anyone. You may feel rage, shame and guilt. You may feel failure,rejected and disappointed. If you have had many painful experiences, particularly losses, you may blame yourself and feel that somehow it is all your fault and that you are a failure. You may feel overwhelmed; for example, by conflicts with family or friends. You may feel stuck in emotional pain and believe that there are no solutions to your problems.To honest with you, your feelings might not necessary speaking the whole truth about your your future.Rather your present.Never forget that your situation can be changed from today. If you feel powerless and that you can’t change your situation and what is distressing you, the idea of suicide may give you a sense of being in control again. This may be half truth,the secret is death is not the permanent solution.Depending on your beliefs, you could see ‘nothingness’, being reunited with loved ones or a sense of relief coming on your way and your preferred option is to end it all? You may not actually know why you feel suicidal, and think that you have no reason to want to kill yourself. Because of this, you may feel deeply guilty and ashamed, and start feeling even worse.I am here to let you know that,there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother, He is your light and your life.His absence in your life is the cause of your desire to end your life. If you don’t know the reasons why you feel suicidal, you may find it hard to believe that there could be a solution. You may start to think that death is your only option. Whether you are aware of a cause or not, it can be difficult to tell others about what you are going through. Therefore you may avoid other people and feel annoyed if they approach you. If you have family and friends around, you may find it impossible to tell them how bad you feel. If you have been badly hurt by someone close to you, you may see suicide as a way of getting back at them. It is understandable to be angry with people who have hurt us, but suicide turns that anger in on ourselves.In St John Gospel 10:10 JESUS said there is an enemy of humanity, he is a murderer, so his agenda is to kill,he is a thief, so he want to steal your soul to hell,and he has been destroyed by his rebellious towards his maker, so he is daily seeking your destruction. He the source or the father of lies,so these are what he may suggest or give you a picture of what you should experience: sleeping badly and waking early a change in appetite weight loss or gain feeling cut off from your body or physically numb a loss of energy you may have stopped taking care of yourself e.g. neglecting your physical appearance. No desire to pursue your job or dicreatihonal activities. You can overcome your situation with a new information of truth.Which will give you a new picture of whose you are and what you were born to be.Please listen or watch this video for step by step principles that will lead you to life abundance.No one that commits cuicide can make heaven
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 22:28:18 +0000

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