HOW TO PRESENT AN IDEA IN 5 MINUTES (OR LESS) 1. What are you - TopicsExpress


HOW TO PRESENT AN IDEA IN 5 MINUTES (OR LESS) 1. What are you going to tell? What is the subject/title? 2. What are listeners going to get? What are the values? 3. Who are you? Why should they trust? 4. What is the problem? Why is it important? 5. Tell them you know how, you know the steps. Remind them of the objective! 6. Explain how it goes. 7. Encourage them to trust you, to do as you said, and to contact you again for help. 8. Exchange contact info. 9. Wish them luck! Example: 1. Kemari kawan. Biar saya beritahu bagaimana untuk dapatkan rambutan itu. 2. Kamu tak perlu susah payah. Saya ada cara mudah. Dapat rambutan sedap, tak kena gigit kerengga. 3. Kawe ni hero kampung kalu demo nak kenal gak. Sebut nama kawe semua orang kampung tahu. 4. Gini, kawe tahu demo teliur kat rambutan tu kan? Tapi pokok tu banyak kerengga. Kena ketik gak sakit la... 5. Biar kawe terangkan 3 cara mudah untuk dapatkan apa yang kamu nak. Kali ni pasti kamu dapat rambutan itu tanpa susah payah. 6. Begini caranya ... 7. Percayalah kata kawe. Acu try cuba test! Kalu tak buleh mari jupo kawe. 8. Rumah kawe, tu alik kebun durian tu, mari lah bila bila pun ... 9. Semoga berjaya! Template: 1. Im going to tell you ..... 2. So you can achive .... 3. My name is .... Im the founder of .... 4. Usually people tend to..... Sadly most of them ..... 5. Im going to tell you # simple steps on ..... Youll going to get it for sure! 6. Heres how .... 7. Trust me! Ive done it before. You have to try this. You can contact me if you need help. 8. Here is my number ... and email ... 9. Good luck!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 05:54:03 +0000

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