HOW TO PROPOSE A GIRL THROUGH BIBLE VERSES: BOY: Do you have a Boy Friend? GIRL: I dont want to have a Boy Friend at this time. BOY: Gen 2v8 its says that, its not good for a man to contiue by himself. Iam going to make a helper for him. GIRL: I dont want any love and I dont love you. BOY: But 1John 4v8 says that he who doesnt love has not come to know GOD for GOD Himself is Love. GIRL: Are you honestly speaking of it? BOY: Yes, Mark 13v31 it says that, heavens and earth shall pass away but my words will not pass away. I mean it. GIRL: But am still buzy BOY: Ecles 3v1 for everything is there for for a reason and has an appointed time, even an affair under the heavens GIRL: And why you have chosen me? BOY: Prov 31v29 there are many women out there that have shown capable but you, you have ascended them all GIRL: What you liked me most? BOY: Song of Solomon 4v7 you are all beautiful, oh, girl companion of mine and there is no defect in you. GIRL: Am not beautiful as you are saying BOY: Prov 31v30 charm may be fake and prettiness may be vain (BUT) women that fears Jehovah is the one that procures praise for herself GIRL: What do you want now to happen next? BOY: Cor 2v4 for out of much tribulations and anguish of my heart, I wrote to you with many tears so that you might know the love that I have more especially for you. I love you babie. M arry me GIRL: smiles and whispered, I Love you too
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 04:54:05 +0000

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