HOW TO PROTEST: SOME NOTES ON THE UPCOMING DAY OF RAGE. Lanz Priestley: a) One Rally will not a campaign make. Especially if that Rally allows government to dictate how the people should protest. IE seek the consent of authorities or operate in cooperation with authorities. Rallies are ideally organised in 3 phases. Leadup campaign / Rally / usually missing in Australia is what comes next. A grassroots alliance has just formed with an initiative to campaign against the Abbott Newman and Baird governments -people in Perth are talking about a campaign against the Barnett government. A set of demands is being fleshed out and will be made public on February 6th. A series of Rallies including March 22nd and May 1st will culminate in a march on the governor general and presentation of a petition of demand that he prorogue parliament following the Whitlam example and if successful it will result in a federal double dissolution. Similar are being strategised for Queensland and NSW elections. The simple call is to end the Abbott government. We are trying to ensure that no political party controls the agenda anywhere although most would be welcome to attend and speak. We are also not promoting Labor as a viable alternative. A document is being prepared for distribution to all politicians and candidates to sign pledging prior allegiance to their constituency before their Party. There is an accompanying questionaire where they can express their views for the information of their constituents. I dont think farmers or any other group will succeed alone. Also very wary of hitching to a political star. Heres where we are organising. Launched Jan 1. All doers especially welcome and all welcome anyway. Please check out the events. Much more being added next 7 days. https://facebook/OzDayOfRage
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 00:54:14 +0000

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