HOW TO SECURE A SATISFIED JOB It is a known fact that EDUCATION - TopicsExpress


HOW TO SECURE A SATISFIED JOB It is a known fact that EDUCATION makes people easily to govern but difficult to enslave. We go to school to acquire knowledge and skills in order to be useful to ourselves and the society at large. Most students’ belief is that education reforms our thought and change the way and manner at which everyone behave. Having said that, today’s environment is very complex and dynamic as thousands of graduates, who must have spent enough time studying, would round-off their various programmes without any better jobs awaiting them. It is, however, my belief that there are many job opportunities but the take home packages are sometimes nothing to write home about. This is very worrisome and disturbing. I see no reason why a country that is so blessed with over 104 mineral resources will not be boasted of enough job opportunities for her teeming youths. On the part of students, they must never think of this harsh economy situation but to remain focus and study well in order to have good grades after their programmes in school. No doubt, to secure a better and rewarding job opportunity in this country, one must not only be connected but being connected to the right person in the best position. However, this too should not be an excuse to those whom parents or relatives have no connection. Connection is just merely a link which leads one to get an offer at the right place of work. The most importance thing is the ability to proof and defend one’s certificate. For instance, for a team to be crowned the World Champion during Football tournament, the team must prepare adequately and skilfully for the tasks ahead. At least each team will do the normal practice and exercise. Even if a team believes in God’s luck as it were during the 2012 Champion League Final – the match between Chelsea and Bayern Munich. There are many intelligent and competent job seekers out there. You must therefore prepare very well for the interview. This day, the right man at the top will not just recommend anybody; he/she only recommends the best hands. Are you one of them? Adequate preparation and personal grooming are keys for job seekers. The following are employment tips’ DON’Ts: 1. Don’t say, “I have no connection”: Nothing having connection should not be your barrier and don’t let that affect your thought and skills. Believe in your ability and strength. There is a great connector - our MARKER - who has a designed purpose for your life. You may not have known many influential people but He is the best connector of all. He is far connected than all top officials you may think of. Believe in Him and tell Him to take charge. I heard many stories where people submitted their CVs to the gateman/security personnel and yet they were hired. My wife once applied for a job in a company. She said other job seekers came through one manager or someone at the top. She knew nobody; she applied and went for the interview and at the end she was employed. She said many of those job seekers who came through managers were denied. This is to say, “it is not our CONNECTIONS that get us the jobs but our great CONNECTOR.” Keep saying this to yourself, “I have great connection.” 2. Don’t be lazy in school, study hard: Nothing good comes easy. I could remember vividly when I was schooling in Yaba College of Technology. There was an old man who accepted me as one of his sons. Though, he is late now. He was a devoted Muslim (a Chief Imam to be précised) while I was a mere Church goer; in fact, I gave my life to Christ in their midst. We spoke for lengthen of hours daily most especially during vacations and weekends. I studied Secretarial Studies (now Office Technology & Management); as one of our courses implies, (Shorthand) you must drill every day for you not to miss out and that had been part of me. I was drilling as if I was studying the word of God. Whenever the old man saw me doing this, he would say – “in pain and agony tribal marks were applied to someone but when it dried, it brings out the beauty of that person.” Well said! All courses require our maximum attention and we must pay rapt attention during lectures in order to make good grades in each course. Medically, it is advisable for people to sleep 8 hours daily, but the beauty of schooling may let students break such rule for the joy of future. Most students read between 1.00am and 4.00am which is the best time to read. In fact, I wrote these pieces early this morning after the match between our Super Eagles and the Uruguayan around same period. It is equally the best time to pray because the spirit of God distributes various gifts to His children at freewill. 3. Don’t apply for any job when you know you are not competent or qualified: Before I gained admission to YabaTech to study Secretary Studies, I saw an advert in the Newspaper. I called to make inquiry about the vacancy and was blasted on phone. I liked that vacant position but lack the required qualifications to back my claim. I was just a Diploma holder then. There are many graduates in this country who are qualified in term of certificate but they cannot defend them during oral interview. There was a graduate I met in Surulere; he was frustrated about the jobless economy of this country. I have never for one day heard him speaking English. He always spoke Yoruba even when I spoke English to me. I tried to avoid speaking with him since I noticed that. As a blind man could not continue to lead a blind man. Like I said earlier, job offer is like a football competition where various teams come to contest for a trophy. You will be amazed when you meet high caliber, professional and intelligent people on your interview day. 4. Don’t underrate any vacancy Would I rather say, humble yourself before every vacant. If you graduate today, it may seem there is no job at all but instead there are. At first you may not get your desire job. Apply for that low vacant and learn to acquire new skills that are not taught when in school as we were only taught the written down laws of scholars. Multi-national organizations need experienced and skilfully persons; you must, therefore, learn the practical and how to apply it to the reality tasks first and from there you will become an expert in that field. When in school, you may have passion to study Computer Science and later end up to be an active Marketer while working with a small organization. Remember, every organization is established to make huge profit; so, experienced and professional employees are often required. Learn how to apply the basic things and acquire the needed skills which will later increase your take home package when you move to another organization. 5. Don’t underrate yourself but groom yourself If we are to be given the opportunity of knowing the untapped potentials in us, in fact, we will be full of joy. You are competent in your own way. Like I said earlier, don’t be too anxious to get that job; prepare very well and don’t take any chance to fail. Read and keep reading. The interviewers only need the best out of the best. They don’t need the better of the best but the best of the best. Therefore, you must adequately prepare well and possess the “can do” spirit. Speak confidently and smartly. English is not my mother tongue and that should not be a barrier either. So far you know what to speak about go straight to the point and don’t beat about the bush. Be specific and short your words. Your posture is very important. Don’t carry many luggages. Your certificates and other documents must be neatly arranged and well-organized. For women, it is better approach to wear low level hill shoe. You need to walk confidently without creating any distraction. 6. Don’t wear any kind cloth to the interview venue: Every organization has a dressing code. Endeavour to ask or observe the staff to identify the way and manner they dress in that organization. Find out the company’s dress code and dress to meet it. It shows you are very flexible and versatile. If you don’t know how to knot tie, ask people around you to teach you. You can equally watch the video clips via youtube or search through google. Just type how to knot tie and press enter. However, the best practice of tie knotting is that the lips of your tie must rest on the top edge of your belt. It must not be too short to the belt. The fitting of your tie goes with your belt. 7. Don’t come late on your interview day, but be punctual: Punctuality is the soul of every business. If your interview is scheduled for 10.00am, it is better you are around at least two hours before time. You will use the waiting period to refresh your memory. If you are late, you will be disorganized. You must not be too anxious to leave even if your interview time should be slightly changed. There are different approaches to employ the best applicants. Some organizations will deliberately leave on the seat for some hours to see those people who will leave. As you are punctual to the place, you must equally be ready to spend your time there. If I were you, I will switch-off my phone(s) and observe everything that is happening around before the interview. 8. Don’t read your materials at the interview venue: Many job seekers are formed of doing this. It is unethical for you to start reading your materials on the day of interview. You are expected to have groomed and studied well before coming. If I were you, I will be mediating silently on how I am going to answer every question that will be asked. The interviewers are around watching and observing every one of you. Greet other job seekers and be friendly with them. As I earlier said, God is the greatest CONNECTOR. He will not teach you how to behave. You must behave yourself amongst your peers. 9. Don’t be too shy neither be arrogant: Greeting is part of life. If you don’t know how to say ordinary Good Morning, you better start learning it now. You must greet the security personnel, and other job seekers you meet on seat. In fact, it is not only them. You must greet the interviewers when you enter the cool room. Learn to be friendly too. Don’t be too shy. You are not there for a joke or comedy show. You must relate well with other job seekers. As I earlier said, God is the greatest CONNECTOR. He will not teach you how to behave. You must behave yourself amongst other peers. 10. Don’t be job hunter but self developer: “What you read, you tend to forget; but what you practice becomes your skills.” No doubt you must be sound academically and practically. After securing a job, endeavour not to stop there but try to keep improving yourself. Further your education and get more qualifications. Who knows where you will be linked to tomorrow? The more you work; the more people you meet and opportunity can come anytime any day. I could remember when a banker once asked me of my qualification. When I told him, he said get more qualifications. Go back to school for an MBA, M.Sc., ICAN, Ph.D. and other professional examination certifications. I coordinated a top management level programme in one of the biggest banks in Nigeria. During group discussion and presentation, one of the participants used his immediate elder brother as a case study. He said the man has one degree, three masters and now currently doing his Ph.D. programme. When asked where the man works, he said he is a bicycle repairer in the village. We all laughed! And his response was that “his elder brother enjoys what he does.” Truly, he may be bicycle repairer today but he is having those certificates for the joy of tomorrow. It is in this same Nigeria that I heard how different graduates venture into Cab Driving for their daily livings and at the end they are now Captains of Industries, Managing Directors of various organizations, Ministers, Managers etc. In fact, one of them is well-known – the MD of Chams Technologies Plc (Sir. Ademola Benjamin Aladekomo). I read his interview at Lagos Business School Magazine where he said he was once a cab driver. 11. Don’t accept that offer if the salary will not cover your transport fares, feeding, clothing and small savings: Despite saying you should not underrate any vacancy does not mean you should accept every offer. There are some offers which salaries/wages will not be enough for savings and transport to your office let alone of feeding and clothing you. No matter how small the salary may be; you must have savings. This is what you use to further your education. You can seek for loan in that organization when such money will not be enough. If you accept that job and with that small salary, you will need to steal to meet up with your domestic needs and equally have some savings for further education. 12. Don’t judge company by size/owners/restructure: Do you believe that as small and thin an ant is, it can likely save that big and fat elephant during problems? There are times people get two different offers in different sectors. They will now left with the option of choosing one out of the two. My friend, it is not every organization that gives room for personal improvement. You will not have time to study let alone of furthering your education. Make your inquiry to know which one will give you time to study and attend various seminars and programmes for personal enrichment. Few weeks ago, I coordinated a programme in Enugu; the participants were commending their organization for giving them the opportunity to attend the programme and many of such life-changing programmes in the past. After my inquiry, I discovered that they are equally given the opportunity to further their education. They can apply to quit their jobs for a meanwhile; goes abroad to study and later join the company when they are through with their studies. An employee, who works with a boss that often travels everywhere, will hardly have time to improve himself/herself. Though, he/she will be richly paid too but must be everywhere with his/her boss. You must improve yourself! 13. Don’t watch Television but read books: One of our facilitators, who I admire his teachings and ways of impacting knowledge, once told me that he had read over 5,000 books. No wonder he bounces in class whenever he teaches. That year, this comment prompted me to invest massively in books. As a result, my wife kept complaining of hundreds of books I bought which occupy every space in my wardrobe as our bookshelf is filled of books. I thank God for her push and complaints; right now I seek for e-books instead. “READERS ARE LEADERS” goes the saying. Why won’t they be leaders? The facilitator, whom I earlier referred to, does not use his words anymore. If he takes note, he will discover that every of his speech are that of Steven Covey, Chinua Achebe, Brian Tracy, Ben Carson, Wole Soyinka, Anthony Robbins, Jim Collins, Obafemi Awolowo, etc. I always see him reading and reading whenever I visited him at home. “Like father like sons.” No wonder his children made excellent in all their papers. Books will enrich you; it will broaden your horizon. Read motivational books; related books of your profession; do not read novel or magazine - it will waste your time. Read newspapers instead and watch only programmes that will add values to your life. Listen and watch news. It is very important. You can only be current when you read newspapers, listen and watch news. Some graduates do not know the Senate President neither his Deputy if they may be asked. I hope these write ups will help someone to actualize his/her dream and the desire mind to work with a company of his/her choice. As you look forward to reading Part II of this write up, endeavour to start reading and keep reading until you are called to home at old age. God bless you. IGE, OLUWASEYE 08030608685 seye4God@yahoo
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 18:34:51 +0000

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