HOW TO STUDY IN THE LAST 5 DAYS BEFORE AN EXAM: This note on - TopicsExpress


HOW TO STUDY IN THE LAST 5 DAYS BEFORE AN EXAM: This note on the practice of pratyahara is for all my students preparing intensely for exams. It will help you tremendously. Try it once and see how time slows down for you 😃 At the beginning of your day bathe and change into clean clothes. Have a meal, drink water. Take a look at your list of things to study. Next. Isolate yourself if possible by shutting doors/ windows. Use a table light source even in daytime. If you use spectacles, wipe the lenses smudge-free now. Turn devices off. Sort your study material into 3 groups. Diagrams, charts and classifications(5 mins). Also add index reading to this list. (Read the contents of your book chapter by chapter..medical texts usually have detailed contents listed point-wise and you will find entire essay type questions summed up for you here). In the 5 min section also include flipping pages of your book to look at any sticky notes/ writing on the side that you have added. The other 2 groups are 15 mins and 30 mins. Whatever you enjoy and find fun goes in the 15 min slot. Whatever you avoid and find stressful goes in the 30 min bin. Do not stop to reward yourself. Not when you prepare for exams. The question paper and your pleasure at seeing it will be your reward. Now comes the most important part. In your mind, think of God/ whatever it is you believe in. Even your best self. Breathe. Evenly, fully. At least 10 breaths. Get started. The yogic practice of Pratyahara is most valuable to all students. A musician does this all the time, when he says, the world ceased to exist. He is only ears and instrument. He does not hear/ see/ even feel hunger or discomfort. This is how stage fright melts away too. Because it ceases to exist in the persons consciousness. For you. Focus on your material like you are a lens that needs to concentrate sunlight to set the paper on fire. I mean it. Point focus. And initially, consciously blur out all outside stimuli. Sounds, people, weather, phones, doorbell. When you do this, you will automatically dampen/ completely blot out internal stimuli like hunger/ sleep/ tiredness/ fear/ panic and depression. You can. I would not say this to you of it did not work. Now give it your all. Keep working steadily. As you get past the first 2 hours, you will speed up. If you feel exhausted or your eyes need a break, lie down and apply lubricant eyedrops. Avoid washing your eyes with tap water when you study at such intensity. The pH will bother your tearfilm and hamper comfortable vision. Take a 5 min powernap during which, breathe deeply and evenly. And tell your most cramped muscles to let go/ relax. When I say tell, I mean tell. 😃 Practicing Pratyahara will let you study at a different level, intuitively. And you will never forget what you read. You will NOT blank out. This is my promise to you. One last thing. When you come out of this trance like state, all noises will seem louder. Interact minimally with people. Restrict free time to animal functions of eat/ sleep/ bathroom rituals only. Stay away from all altercations/ controversy. Including headline news on TV which is mostly violent sensationalism. It can wait. Good luck my dears. You will do fine. Sharing with yoLaxmi Eye PanvelelMohan HindupururSuhas HaldipurkararTanvi HaldipurkararDevendra VenkatramaniniRita DhamankararRajiv Dhamankarar so that more students read it and are helped. Please untag yourselves as needed.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 02:29:54 +0000

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