HOW WILL AMERIKA BREAKUP AFTER THE EVIL DC REGIME IS PRONOUNCED DEAD? Im a big fan of Tom Chittums Civil War II which came out in 1982(?). Its still available at . There is clearly a breakup coming and its going to be the result of the Club of Rome, the Bilderbergers and other satanic NWO organizations who wished to sink the US as bastion of European culture in this hemisphere. They were planning on scuttling the country long before I was born. In 1991 I was due to report to Ft Ord near Monterey, CA. After 10 hrs of driving I was dead tired and I stopped at a donut shop in Salnas at about 2am. God did I need some sugar to keep my brain going! I thought it was still open but it wasnt. On the door there was a poster with drawings of the Pilgrims and in Spanish (only) it said Los Invadadores Reales (the real invaders). The writing is on the wall that the Southwest will Aztlan after the sick europhobic regime in DC breathes its last breath. We were vacationing in southern CA and AZ two summers ago. We crossed the border briefly by foot at Calexico, CA. The only difference between Calexico and Mexicali, MX is that on the American side half the signs are still in English. The people on both sides are the same, Mexicans. I had Mexican beggars hitting me up for dinero on the American side. This is what my grandfathers in WWII were really fighting for. It will be interesting to see what will happen in the near future. I read the book After America by Mark Steyn. amazon/.../dp/B0076TKQ8E Yes, hes quite a comedian even discussing the end of America. He treads very lightly on the racial dimension of the coming train wreck in order to be published by a major publisher. While reading this book I just could not believe how those in DC keep this pile of refuse going. The baby boomers will cause the collapse of the dollar because what is owed to them by the system is many times more what the system has in assets, even phony phederal reserve notes. Its like a giant box of bandaids. But Chittums work is still relevant today. Chittum was an infantryman in Vietnam. He likes killing so he became a mercenary in several ethnic/racial civil wars such as Rhodesia and Yugoslavia. So he knows all about how multicultural empires melt down and are replaced with several homogeneous daughter states. Heres a picture of what happened the Hapsburg empire after its central authority in Vienna collapsed. and i.ytimg/vi/KyLSUZ1qlVM/0.jpg The break up of America is liable to be very violent because we having imported all these feuding races of people whose only history is one of common mutual loathing. In any case my real location is one where we will be safe and food will be plentiful. The Renaissance Party of North America, now a legal party in both Canada and the US is seeking to educate people on the coming train wreck. You should read this one page essay on their 3 Pillars rpnamerica/?page_id=16
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 18:56:14 +0000

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