HOW corruption was enhanced in Afghanistan imposition of puppet - TopicsExpress


HOW corruption was enhanced in Afghanistan imposition of puppet government in Afghanistan destroyed the state owned institutions and replaced it by immature privatisation which encouraged corruption right from the outset after Taliban’s were ousted. Instead of rebuilding and equipping hospitals, they introduced private hospitals, instead of rebuilding the state owned transport, they introduced private transportation, instead of rebuilding educational institutions and training government teachers, they privatised Afghan educational system. (If we look at the history of privatisation of state own enterprises and private institutions in the UK, the last institutions were privatised only a few years ago like various departments in the ministry of agriculture, food and fisheries). The British are at least one hundred years ahead of Afghanistan in terms of progress yet it took them a century to decide when to privatise. Their monitoring and regulatory system of private sector was made way back in the 1960s. However, they deemed fit to privatised all Afghan government institutions and every government enterprise soon after the invasion. This gave birth to corruption. For example, a normal government employee gets $120 wage a month with six children and a wife; the health system is almost non-existant, no proper education in government schools and no public transport like there was in the 1960 to late 1990s. Poor education, health and transport etc provided by the government, compelled government employees to fill in the expanses gap by turning to corruption. Before the American invasion of Afghanistan, government employees would avoid bribes as this was shame to even attempt, where as now it has turn in to a tradition. Government salaries were just enough to sustain a family back then, but now the only way to survive for a government employee is to get involve in corruption. This was deliberately done by the British Americans and NATO members to be able to suck up the donation provided by nations with good faith like Japan etc through their contractors. Afghan government officials also benefitted from this and Sher Pur, collapse of Kabul Bank etc are the examples. corruption also paved way for poor governance in order to leave gaps for opium production and enhancement of terrorism. Drug production has increased by 1000 times. Afghanistan is now the principle producer of opium in the world providing 92% of world narcotics. In 2002, Taliban and international terrorists left afghan territory, but with the help and aid from NATO, they re-emerged and now they are present in almost every province in Afghanistan and the attack on Paktika day before yesterday and todays attack on Kabul airport is the result of our good old Nato friends help. Thanks to American and European invasion, now Afghanistan is considered one of the most corrupt country, number one in Drug producing, and a hub for international terrorists. The sufferer are thirty million helpless Afghans who have been under constant financial strain.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 05:45:07 +0000

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