HOW many believe they are BORN-AGAIN by spirit and covered in - TopicsExpress


HOW many believe they are BORN-AGAIN by spirit and covered in covenant blood.. The blood of the Passover Lamb....? Be honest with yourself.. You know when you are missing the mark totally in obedience to the One and only True and Living God of Israel, I know I do and it is not a good place to dwell. We cannot let other folk around us keep stroking your ego. .or stay stuck in the rut of falsehood. Have you ever discovered and understood that YHWH is our CREATOR and we come to know HIM as our Redeemer? Renew your mind today and rebuke the spirit of indifference that has been your best friend for too long. If anyone thinks he knows something, he has not yet known as he ought to know. Without this revelation we can never know who God truly is and what actions He has taken for the purpose of our life on earth. It is better to be known by God and let HIM be your first love. 1 Cor.8:6; One God, the Father, of whom are ALL things, we are IN the ONE GOD, and one Yshua Messiah by whom all things, we are THROUGH ONE Messiah. We all have some knowledge, but knowledge makes PROUD, but love builds up.. Eph.3:9; this is Pauls ministry to Pagans ( heathens) according to the revelation, the mystery was made known to me ( Paul).. a plan which is to bring to the light all of the mystery, which has been hidden from the beginning of time by God and has been given to the son of men by the gift of grace, to me (Paul) according to the working of HIS (GODS) power. The very heathens you fellowship with are fellow heirs and members of the SAME BODY and first to preachby sharing with them the promise of Messiah Yshua through the gospel. second to plan the many-sided wisdom speaks loud through our the assemblies, to the rulers, and to the authorities in the heavenlies, ( it is important that the ruler of your house has that type of connection) Your leaders authority should be according to the Eternal PLAN which GOD made using HIS SON, in whom we have boldness and access in confidence through FAITH in HIM. Saints we cannot afford to lose heart because others are distressed and facing trials, we suffer for the sake of the Resurrected One.. Your Pastor should be honored to serve as your spiritual guide... training you to be disciples that HOLD them to truth and keep them accountable to the Word of all cost. This is how an army has become strong and fit for the battles that are ahead. THE PLAN HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PEOPLE...THE PREACHING HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THE PEOPLE COMING IN GOD THROUGH MESSIAH... Hebrews 1:2 YHWH spoke through HIS Son, whom HE appointed heir of all, through Whom He also made the universe; He made HIMSELF purification by leading a sinless life, TO QUALIFY as the perfect sacrifice 1. He is the radiance of glory 2. Representation of HIS NATURE 3. Carries everything by the Power of His Hallowed Name and His word. .Some of you have been living numb to sin, not know clean from unclean, right from wrong, good from evil...there is one thing we perish for and that is separation from GOD as a result of LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OF GODS TRUE EXISTENCE. What god do you really serve? I could post a lot more scriptures but today I am not going to do that.. we have to make a decision IF we are ready for the WORD of God. take a few moments and confirm or deny the evidence brought before you on October 31, 2014. Spend no more time in a double-minded behavior about your life. There is only ONE true Faith and ONE people of denominations, clergy and man made stuff stands in the sight of our Great King. some thing to think about huh..? Is there a way to change your mind and go in a new direction? I present you these questions today so do not try to look for excuses or find others to blame.. we all are responsible for our own soul salvation with fear in trembling.. Some of you I pray want the FEAR is a great thing to SERVE our Master, and he is pleased with our life...too many times the fallen soldiers around us try to keep us down with them. Those that sit back and watch the falsehood of doctrine and wayward men pretending to be called to Ministry of Messiah... we have to be very intentional and armed to overcome the wiles of the evil are accountable also for leading others hold back your criticisms of what you see. REDEMPTION will come back as a THIEF in the night. if we keep eating at the table of sinners focusing on the self-exalted heathens, harlots, and trespassers we are in like-mind with them. The is not a word in the scripture to support some of practices that take place in gatherings. you are to be His ministers of FIRE Ps. 104:4 the guilt of sin is at your door knocking to get in and take your house.. We cannot keep honoring those that will not preach unto salvation, nor rebuke correct.. or teach by the spirit and the word of truth. ..These wicked men have not the love of God in them....your money is their god...and you will keep buying your few minutes of glory from them....IF you see it and hear very aware of what effects it has on your life. and others connected to you.. IF you refuse to use your spiritual authority. casting down every imagination exalted, casting out demons, bearing the fruit of the spirit, operating in the GIFTS of the Holy Spirit...destroying the very works of the devil. . you have joined with the very one you speak against. that house will be destroyed and you will be destroyed with it... ..measure for measure...No matter what people say or if they do not listen it is your job to stand up and speak the truth...It is no coincident that a matter has come to your attention. you will deny one and love the other... when we flirt with evil works we are taken captive and evil is good and good is evil in our own sight. You will stand for truth or fall for a lie...BE CAREFUL FOR NOTHING.. Shabbat SHALOM
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 20:33:32 +0000

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