HR Interview Questions-- Share your Openions The candidate - TopicsExpress


HR Interview Questions-- Share your Openions The candidate interested in joining organizations as HR personnel must have good interpersonal skills. The candidate should be aware of all the HR principles. Jobzing compiles some of the interview questions that are asked by the interviewers for the HR positions. HR Interview Tips Know about yourself: One common question every HR manager will ask is- ‘tell about yourself’. Through this question he wants to judge how well verse the candidate is about his skills and work experience. When the HR manager asks you the question reply with, 1. Your academic background 2. Work experience and job role 3. Family background Show your interest: While replying to his questions always show your interest for the job. The HR managers are trained to decipher one’s body language and they can understand when you are disinterested. Hence, maintain positive body language and answer questions with enthusiasm. Research the company: Before you meet the HR manager learn about the company you have applied in. The HR will judge your interest by assessing your knowledge about the company. Not knowing about the prospective employer is a negative. Say ‘no’: When you don’t know the correct answer to a question say ‘no’. Don’t try to play around. The HR managers are clever enough to understand when you don’t know an answer. Right attitude: Maintaining the right attitude is essential to impress the HR manager. Badmouthing your previous office or colleagues can cost you the job. The HR manager will try to assess that you have the right professional attitude for the post. Be cordial and use your best manners. Ask questions: Prepare your list of questions to ask the interviewer. However, you may refrain from asking about salary and perks until the HR opens the issue. Rather, you may ask questions about your probable role in the company and also about the company’s expectations from you. Interview Questions Q: Describe yourself Give a short rundown including your educational background, past job titles and total work experience. Don’t put forward your personal profile. Sample answer- I am a hard working and ambitious person and appreciate hardworking and serious people. I had joined by first company as a programmer analyst and presently working as a senior associate. I have a total work experience of 5 years. Q: Tell me about your educational background? Be specific and to the point. You don’t have to start with your high school percentages. Instead highlight on the recent past qualification. Don’t forget to mention the name of the college/university from where you had attained the degree. Sample answer- I graduated from IIT Kharagpur with a B. Tech degree in Mechanical Engineering. I completed my MBA from IIM Calcutta and had been recruited by a corporate giant in my final year. Q: What do you know about the organization? Highlight the positive aspect of the company and make the interviewer feel that you have researched well about the company’s profile and history. You need to express your knowledge about the organization in front of the interviewer. Keep your answer short and crisp and yet it should say all that the interviewer wants to hear! Sample answer- A great organization with superb management! Q: How would you do justice to the job? Talk about your qualities and approach that your prefer implementing so as to do justice to your job. Sample answer- I believe to do justice to any job, what matters is motivation and self discipline and I have these two qualities inbuilt in me. Q: What are your weaknesses? Give a negative reply that in real sense is a positive one and in no makes the interviewer feel ill about your performance. Your weakness should be a boon to the company. Sample answer- I am too much focused on my work; you can even say that I am a workaholic! So, I think that I should get some time out for my family and hobbies. Q: What are your salary expectations for this job? Make sure to strike a balance when it comes to answering such questions. You may say that though money forms an integral part, yet it’s not everything, there’s something beyond it, what we refer to as JOB SATISFACTION! Sample answer- Salary is certainly not a criterion for better opportunity but then it should be at par with the present industry norms. Q: What are the projects you have ever undertaken? Mention about the projects about which you are pretty sure of. You need to provide concrete examples, whenever necessary. Sample answer- In my 5 years career as a mechanical engineer, I have undertaken a couple of projects like- Fabrication of turbo super charger for two wheeler SMS Based automatic vehicle accident information system Over speed indication and Automatic accident Avoiding System for four wheeler Hydraulic hybrid system for four wheeler Efficiency Increasing System in Automobile by using preheating method Q: What do you do in leisure? Apart from highlighting your hobbies that you love pursuing during your leisure breaks, you need to say something that would add to the interest of your company. Sample answer- During my leisure hours I prefer browsing the internet, listening to music, chatting with my friends and reading newspapers. Q: Do you want to ask anything from us? Failure to ask questions to the interviewer is indeed a major flaw. In fact, your success in grabbing a job largely depends on what and how your ask. Sample answer- If selected, how will my leadership roles as well as performance be measured and by whom? Q: What are your hobbies? Though this isn’t a professional question, yet you need to answer it with transparency. My hobbies include browsing the internet, blogging, listening to music, chatting with my friends and reading newspapers. Q: Why do you want to work with this organization? The answer would be in line with that of the previous one. But you may make some changes. In place of sharing your experience and academic knowledge you may start by addressing the current requirement of the organization. If the organization is going for expansion then recruitment would be an essential factor. As such you may say, “With the company planning for expansion there will be requirement of effective HR policies. As I have experience in recruitment and policy making, I feel I would be able to add value to the service. The organization would give me a chance to enhance my knowledge and also grow professionally in course of time.” In case the organization has no expansion plan then simply share fact on how you would be beneficial for he organization. Also mention how it would help you developing your professional competence. Q: Where do you see yourself five years down the line? Don’t exaggerate or sound modest. Try to bring out a win-win situation through your answer. You may say, “I would like to develop myself in five years time, so that I may contribute to the growth of the company. Further, I would also like to develop myself to take on higher responsibility...” In case you are planning to carry out research in domain of HR then you may also highlight it. Q: What are your strengths? Try to mention the strengths in your professional domain. The interviewer(s) would always like to know how strong you are in handling the job related issues. As you are applying for HR your perspective on issues related to the functioning of the company’s human resource would be given priority. You may say, “My strength is in understanding the complexity of human resource related issues. I have understanding about the things that may pose a threat to the functioning of the organization. In my previous /current company I have been able to…” Always back your strength with example to justify your answer. You may also share your personal strength like ability to work under stress, multi tasking ability and other related things. In this case also follow up your answer with examples. In case you are fresher then mention this and also share example that would project your strength. May be you can share your internship experience or things that you have learnt during the college/university years. Q: What are your weaknesses? The approach is same like that of the previous answer. Try to share things that were your weakness in professional sphere. But always follow it up with things that you did to overcome it. E.g. - “Initially I was not efficient in multi tasking, but in the last few years I have been able to address this issue and develop myself. At present I can work on four projects simultaneously with high rate of efficiency.” Q: What is human resource management? Human Resource Management is one of the major branches of management that deals with the human resources. It focuses on the activities of non-homogeneous group of individuals. This branch of study includes implementation of policies and strategies to develop and control the functioning of the human resource. The main aim or objective is to develop the current strength of the company towards achieving the company’s target. It uses various techniques and methods to train employees in order to carry out additional work or execute the regular duties in an optimum way. It also looks after the grievances, benefits, wellness, motivation and retention of the employees of a company. Q: What do you prefer recruitment or selection? “Selection is the process through which efficient employees are appointed to carry out and perform various duties in an organization. One would be able to get the best candidate for the best job through selection from a pool of candidates. As selection involves a series of screening like test, group discussion and interviews, it is highly recommendable. Recruitment on the other hand helps in creating a pool of potential candidates who in future may be allotted responsibilities. One may say the recruitment is succeeded by selection.” You may also share examples from your work experience, if any. Q: How do you motivate your employees? Start by saying the approach you took in motivating the employees of current/previous organization. Share facts about the HR theories that you had applied in order to create job satisfaction among the existing pool of human resource. “In my previous/current company, I drafted a policy of reward and benefit motivation. The policy was for employees working in units at remote places. The policy ensured that they were provided with the facilities that they got back home and also equally rewarded on their performance. Rewards were based on sound parameters that blocked the creation of any tension among the employees. No money can compensate the time you spend away from family but nevertheless the policy ensured that the money they got as reward helped them in making a better saving. Often gifts were sent to the family members on request of the employees on occasions like Christmas or Easter. It instilled a job satisfaction among the employees.” If you are a fresher try to highlight the theoretical approaches along with your internship experience that you may have gathered. Q: What is more important to you money or position? Be honest and say what you believe in. There is nothing wrong in mentioning that money is important provided you don’t say things that would create any negative impression like corruption, dishonesty and malpractice. In the same way if you believe that position is important then do not over stretch it and create a situation where it may mean that money is something you are least bothered. Try to balance you answer no matter what is your preference. E. g. - “I believe that position is important as it helps you in taking responsibilities and developing yourself. And I believe that with position and knowledge earning a good remuneration is not difficult.” Q: How do you define empowerment? “It is a process through which individuals are given the power to make choice and transform them into action to achieve the acknowledged targets. It allows the individual at the lowest level of organizational hierarchy to take decision for the benefit of overall objective. Empowerment improves the efficiency and reduces the idle time taken in waiting for the top level to make the decision. It also makes the employees feel an important part of the process rather than a mere vehicle of production. It is an essential tool in motivating the work force.” Q: How do you define arrogance? Are you arrogant? “Arrogance is a belief that reduces logical things and hampers productive humane interaction. It makes one think that they are superior both physically and intellectually in comparison to the other. Often people tend to mistake arrogance as positive attitude.” While answering the second part of this question you may add, “I am not arrogant but do have positive attitude that makes me believe I am one of the person who can do a job with perfection and not the only one to do it”. Q: What role are you ready to take in a group? Try to justify your answer with the support of your experience. Also remember the position you are applying for. If it is the role of a team leader do not say “I would be happy to work under others”. This would send a wrong signal that you lack leadership skill. In the same way, if applying for a team members jobs do not say that you would be happy to lead the team. You may say, “with respect to my experience I would be ready to handle a team of eight members. Nevertheless, I would not have any issue to take suggestions from my team or someone senior in the hierarchy. I am also ready to work as a team member if the situation demands.” Q: Who has been an inspiration for you? Take the name of the person who has motivated you in taking this career or in overcoming any inhibitions. You may take name of well known people but it is also advisable to take the name of people, who are close to you, maybe someone in your previous/current company. Try to separate yourself from other as other candidate would also be taking the name of famous personalities. Thus it is always better to have your own view. You may say, “I am inspired by my HR professor, who not only worked in many organizations but has also contributed to the domain of HR by research work… (Share some of the research works and how it has motivated you)” or “I am inspired by people who are great in their professional field…” Q: What is more important to you money or success? Money and success are both important, so while answering the question never tend to lower the value of other during comparison. You may have a preference but while sharing it keep a professional approach in your answer and try to follow it up with example. “I believe both are important. But in the long run success is more important to me. I would like to be successful not because of fame but for making a difference in this field of management.” Q: What kind of person are you? Do not go on praising and neither criticizing yourself. Project yourself as someone who is interesting to meet. Share how you view issues both in personal and professional life. You may say, “I like to understand a situation before coming to a conclusion. It may seem that I am an introvert but until and unless I understand the gravity of the situation, I do not like to share my view, especially on critical issue. I believe communication should be done in a proper way for an effective feedback. Further, by doing this I have been able to overcome the anxiety which one faces in a new environment.” Q: Rate yourself on a scale of 10. Be prepared for this question in interview. The interviewer(s) through this question would be analyzing how you perceive yourself in the HR field. You have to justify your rating with the support of your experience. Say, “With the experience and the academic qualifications, I believe that I stand in between 6-7. There are things to learn in this dynamic management field. I am in the process of learning them. So my rating has been in accordance with all my achievements and also the future scope of development. “ In case you are a fresher, then try to rate yourself keeping in mind your academic achievements and summer training experience. “As you are aware that I am a fresher so my rating would be based on my qualifications and summer internship experience. I believe that I rest between 3-4”. Q: How do you handle repetitive tasks? In any organization there will be tasks that are repetitive. As such you should not say “I am disturbed or not comfortable with repetitive task” or “I want to work on new issue every time”. It is better to say, “Repetitive task would exist in any organizational hierarchy. The best way to deal is to draft a work process in handling such issues. This process would not only reduce time consumption but also make things more professional” Q: How can you make use of IT in HRM? It is an integral part of HRM these days. IT may be used in: Work time records Recruiting Payroll calculation Learning Management System Administration of benefit for the employee You may a share about the customized program that you may have developed or worked and which had increased the efficiency of the organization. Q: Suggest a training program/workshop for feedback skills? You may say, “The program should be in accordance with the requirement of the organization. The module may include things like effectiveness of proper communication; language for proper communication; communication channels; stimulation for feedback; involving every layer to of production process in communication; procedure for feedback; positive acknowledgement of the feedback; and analyzing the feedback”. Also share your previous experience while answering the question. Q: What do you know about the organization? This type of question is very common in an interview. It is advisable to do some research about the organization. You may visit the website or seek additional information from brochure and other similar things. Answer the question in a very brief manner. You may say, “The organization is into providing technological support in the field of data storage…in the last quarter the organization started the operational expansion in the field of human resource solution. The policies taken by the organization are…”. You may also share your experience pertinent to the HR domain that may be helpful in projecting yourself as a right candidate. Q: How do you justify the job? Highlight the necessity of HR department in any organization. Mention the issue that is dealt by the department and also the importance of having professional staff in the department. Say things like, “Human resource is all about dealing with a group of non-homogenous individual. Every one reacts in a different way. The requirement of trained HR personnel would facilitate the smooth functioning of the unit and would also help in maintaining the required strengthen of employees to carry out the operations”. Q: Why do you want this job? Explain the objective you have behind applying for the job. Mention your academic and professional qualifications. E.g. - “I have four years of experience in dealing with human resource. I have designed HR policies and have also implemented them. As the company has a potential scope of growth in the coming years the requirement of additional manpower would be essential. In this context, I believe that I would be able to justify my selection and would work toward developing a potential base of employees. This would also help me in developing myself and my career would also grow along that of the organization”. Q: How do you decide what to delegate and to whom? “Delegation depends on the job that is to be executed. One must chose the right person for the right job. It would not only motivate the employees but would also ensure that the project reaches its objectives in well defined time.” You may then add your experiences on how you have delegated responsibilities among your subordinate. This question is likely to be asked to experienced applicant but may also be asked to fresher. If you are a fresher and have been asked this question then highlight how you have delegated responsibility for any project or group event during your academic years. Q: Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty to get a job done. While replying to this question mention what was your role and why you had to go beyond the call of duty. It would be easier for the interviewer(s) to understand the situation. “In one of the recruitment projects in a foreign country, we had to make liaison with the local placement agency. The interview was planned accordingly and the applicant turnout was expected to be around 20. Due to some bad weather condition the applicants were not able to report at the venue. The whole day was lost and some of the members who were in the interview panel had to leave the other day. Their departure in no way could have been postponed and neither it was possible for us to reschedule the interview dates. Rescheduling the dates would have had a negative effect on the recruitment activity of the organization. As such it was decided to carry out the interview on the next day. I was supported by one of my colleagues in this work. We two took the interview and I had to also look after some of the administrative work.” Q: Describe a situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way. Share your experience if you have any. But never try to portray yourself as selfish. The interviewer(s) is trying to see how manipulative or shrewd you can be in your work. You may say, “In my last organization, we had planned to carry out training using online interactive medium to make things more interesting. Nevertheless, some of the people in the top management were not comfortable with the idea as it increased the cost. They were explained the reason behind such policy and were also informed that this e-training would be for specific areas. Cost issues were also addressed. After much negotiation and persuasion I was able to convince the concerned authorities.” Q: Tell me about your worst nightmare project. What went wrong and what did you do? What did you learn from this situation? Share information but keep the tone positive. Try to avoid the word nightmare and mention the reasons why you do not considered the project as nightmare. “I would say that I never faced any nightmare project. But yes, there was a project that posed some threats. The project was regarding the recruitments in the production unit of the organization in one of its foreign location. The recruitment had to be called off as the technical interviewer had missed the flight. The interview was planning to be re-scheduled but it was felt that the reputation of the organization may be affected. Later, it was decided to arrange for a video conference for the technical round. The necessary arrangement for a video conference was made and it took around 4 hours. From then it was decided to have the set up of video conference ready before any out station interview.” Q: Assume you are a supervisor and one of your employees consistently arrives late to work. What action would you take? Base your answer on technical ground try to keep it short. The answer should not be guided by personal view but should be based on professional level. “I would point it out to the employee and ask the individual to ensure that it won’t happen again. If required, address the issues of the employee for which the individual is coming late. In case all this fails to bring the necessary change, then a warning should be issued. On repeated failures, take the necessary action as laid down in the organizational guidelines.” Q: It is 5:00pm on a Friday. Youre working on a tight deadline for your Manager, but the Director suddenly asks you to drop everything and deal with a customer complaint. What do you do? The approach would depend on the importance of the work I would be doing for the manager and also on the customer complain. It is advisable to understand the requirement of the situation and then share the same with the Director and also the Manager. If the requirement is to address the customer grievance, then priority should be given to it while other work may be kept on hold. The message should be conveyed to both the Director and the Manager. If it is felt that the customer’s complain may be put on hold for some time then it is advisable to follow it. Moreover, the present work situation should be communicated to the Director. He may not be aware of the other commitments and as such he may have delegated the responsibility. But if the Director can be persuaded that the work for the Manager is important, then the customer complain may be allotted to someone else. The essential thing in this kind of situation is proper communication. The importance of both the work must be evaluated from every possible angle and all the concerned parties should be included during the decision making.” Q: A co-worker tells you in confidence that he suspects another colleague of stealing. What would your actions be? “Keeping in mind the gravity of the situation it is advisable to ask the co-worker not to share the information with any other employee. The information given by the co-worker should be cross-checked. Check whether things are really misplaced or not. In case the allegation is true then share the facts with the supervisor in light of proper evidence. It is also advisable to cross check the evidence and then plan the next approach. Depending upon the things that have been stolen, one needs to plan the next course of action.” Do not share any experience you had in this regard in your earlier company. As the matter is related to professional confidentiality you must not share any information pertinent to it. If asked, then be polite and say that as the matter is related to your previous/current company, you won’t be able to share much information in this regard. Q: While working at the front desk, please describe a situation where a client has reacted in a negative or threatening manner. How did you deal with the situation? Share the reason that made the client react in a negative or hostile way and also mention the steps taken by you to solve the crisis. Also do share the things that you did to avoid such situation in future. “There was a situation when a client had registered complain in the customer desk regarding the malfunction of an electronic product of the organization. Due to a delay in follow-up of his complain, things took an ugly turn. He threatened to sue the organization and was about to leave. We had to intervene and calm the situation. I had to take special care of finding a replacement for the product in the minimum time and also provide the necessary services like home deliver. Later, a policy was drafted that said all the product related complains would be dealt by a separate unit. The policy said that the company would collect the product from the client rather than the client coming to the office. This would create a positive feeling in the client that the issue would be addressed quickly. A dedicated customer service helpline was also brought into action to deal with product complains.” Q: If you could change one (managerial) decision you made during the past two years, what would that be? Try to have a positive tone in your reply. Avoid saying, “I wish if I delegated the work in a better way it would have saved us from heavy losses” This would not go down well with the interviewer(s). You may put the same thing in a different way, “In one of the projects, a job delegated to a co-worker was not executed in the necessary way. It was due to the lack of the exact knowledge of that person. It was later, given to another person. Though the project got delayed but we saved ourselves from heavy loss. From then on I prefer to do an initial assessment and also training of the team members even if there is shortage of time. This process may result in loss of time but in the longer run would save wastage. I believe this is something I would like to change.” Q: What would you do if someone asked you to do something unethical? “No…it is advisable not to enter into any unethical practice. In short term, it may look beneficial but in the long term things may create awkward situation for the organization. With corporate governance and other practices in place, one must not enter into activities that are likely to affect the goodwill of the organization.” Q: Have you ever had to resolve a conflict with a co-worker or client? How did you resolve it? If you are yet to face such a situation then mention it and also add things that you would do in this regard. In case you have already been through such situation then mention it but try to avoid the exact nature of the problem. Also do not share the names of the people involved. Many people while answering these types of questions share confidential information like client’s name and employee’s name. This is often looked down by the interviewer(s) as it is not an ethical business practice to divulge confidential details. “There was a scenario when we were working under tight timeline. The client had asked for some major changes in the project and had asked for a report by the end of the day. It was difficult in respect to the volume of changes. The client was not willing to relax the timeline and as a result a verbal clash took place between the client and my co-worker. Later, on hearing this I intervened and sorted out the issue. I had to talk to my co-worker regarding the time by which it would be possible for him to submit the report. Then I convened the time to the client and after some discussion he agreed to give the required relaxation.” Q: How do you feel about your accomplishments to date? Do not over criticize yourself and neither go one praising your achievements. Try to strike a balance. “I am happy with my achievements and feel there are many more things that I may achieve given the opportunity. I am yet to have a major achievement in the area of employee retention. I feel this job would give me that opportunity for which I have been waiting.” Q: When Were You Most Satisfied in Your Job? Share things that make you satisfied and happy. Try to mention the professional things rather than going personal. “I believe I am satisfied when I achieve my goals in the best possible way.” Q: If you had a chance to make a change, what would you do differently? As the question is not clear on what aspect the interviewer(s) is asking for the change, it is ideal to request the interviewer(s) to clear the meaning. Whether the interviewer(s) wants to know about the changes in your professional life or the changes you would like to bring into the industry as a whole. If it is your career, then you may say, “I would like to change my negotiation approach to be more effective as I had worked for a less time in this area.” If the question is asked at the industry level, then you may add, “I would prefer more inclusion of IT in HR as it would be helpful in reducing the time and addressing situation in real time.” You may always share example from your work life. Q: What are some of the frustrations that you want to avoid in a new job? Do not go on pointing out the negative things that led to frustrations. Mention the things that would be essential in avoiding any conflict ensuring a smooth execution of work. A positive approach to this question would go down well with the interviewer(s). “I would like to have a better communication structure and proper delegation of responsibility as it would make sure the organization is performing in an optimal and positive way. This would also be beneficial in the longer run.” Q: How are you organizational skills? Be short and crisp while answering the question. Try to rate yourself on a scale from 1-10 and have strong justification for the rank. Add examples from your experience to answer the question. You may say, “I rate myself 7 on a scale of 1-10. I have 4-5 years of experience and have handled a HR team of 12 individuals. In doing so I delegated the responsibilities, prioritize the work and also evaluated the performance of the team members. These all were possible because of proper organization.” Q: What type of training program helps new employees understand a variety of jobs and their interrelationships? “Job description, job design, orientation and training are some of the steps that must be followed. The job description is crucial in defining the requirements of the job. Job design will help in understanding the duties that needs to be executed, the process of execution and also the place of execution. Then orientation would help the employee understand the job and the interrelationship among the different activities. Finally, training will impart the requisite skills to handle the activities.” You may share the steps that you followed in your previous company. If you are a fresher then share things that you may have learnt on your internship. Q: What are simulations, computer-based or non-computer-based, that attempt to duplicate selected factors in a particular business situation, which the participants then manipulate called? “Business games and computer based training uses computer based simulation that attempts to duplicate factors in business situation, which the participants manipulate.” Q: What are effective training approaches that utilize devices or programs replicating tasks away from the job site? “E-Learning, role playing, equipment simulators, business games, in-basket technique, video tapes, vestibule training and case study are few of the effective training approaches that replicate the original tasks away from the job site.” Q: What helps ensure that a firm improves its ability to perform by identifying needed capabilities and the type of people needed to perform in an ever-evolving business environment? “Performance evaluation of the employee plays a major role in identifying the potential of the employees. Once the evaluation is done, it is also necessary to impart the requisite skill in developing the existing employee. Further, job requirements should be identified well ahead of the need. If it is possible, use the existing employees’ strength for meeting the additional requirements. In case it this is not feasible then selection of the right candidate must done through proper recruitment process.” Q: Do you prefer to work alone, or do you work better in groups? “I am comfortable in both the situations. Initially, when I started my career in a start-up firm I had to manage a lot of task on my own. Later, I got the required support of additional staff and we worked as a team.” In case you have preference for any of the two, then mention with valid reasons. The interviewer(s) would be looking for someone who is comfortable in both the situations. Q: What is the Career Scope for the person working in HR? Support you answer with facts and figures to project the growth of HR. You may also share examples from your work experience. “When I joined it was mainly personnel management, which was only concerned with maintenance of payroll or keeping accounts of employee benefits. But in the last 6-8years, things have changed drastically. Now Personnel Management has been replaced Human Resource Management and the latter is more strategic in nature. HR has now an important department that not only recruits but also formulates retention policies, imparts training and offers other necessary support in reaching the defined targets of the organization.” If you are a fresher then highlight some of the things that guided you in choosing HR as the career. “With so much business expansion taking place, professional HR staff is required to maintain the human capital of an organization. Organizations are also starting their operations in foreign land. As such factors like economical issues, legal bindings and cultural factors often play important role in recruiting and retaining human capital. HR plays a crucial role in handling such affairs.” Q: What is the basic concept of Team Building? How it can be useful for the Development of the company? “The basic concepts of team building are selection of employees; briefing of the project objectives; delegation of responsibility; training of the employee for the required role; addressing employee issues; ensuring proper communication and feedback system; evaluation and analysis of the performance; communication of the result; and drafting the necessary procedure for future action.” “Any goal of an organization can be achieved through team work and coordination. In order to get the desired result, one must ensure that there is proper and positive team work. Team building in this regard is one of the crucial processes.” Share relevant examples while giving reply to this question. Q: If a person who is physically Disable and is working in HR wants to migrate to some foreign country. Is he capable of doing so? “I believe in any organization the competency of the individual should decide his role for a job rather than physical limitations. Nevertheless, one must also take into account the degree of such physical limitation. It should be checked whether it would be difficult for the physically challenged individual to adjust himself in the foreign country. In case it is seen that the conditions may pose threat for the individual then a decision should be reached after evaluating all aspects. One may also make the necessary arrangements for the individual to live a normal life in the foreign land, if possible.” You may also quote some of the guidelines codified in the laws guiding the employees’ right in a country. Q: What kind of supervision of other workers have you been responsible for? “My job was related to maintaining a close coordination between the action program and the short term objectives; analysis of the performance; addressing any deviation in the action plan; identifying the distortions and providing solutions; performance evaluation and appraisal; feedback of team members performance; and sharing of project information to the senior level management.” Q: What experience do you have in coaching and mentoring employees? Mention the role you played in coaching and mentoring. If the role was of assistant or support staff then share the fact along with the responsibilities. “I was the assistant training head in the training cell. The job profile included planning of teaching material, research, execution of the training session along with my supervisor, appraisal, evaluation of the performance, feedback of the result and other related activities.” If you worked as the chief, then share how you executed the job, drafted the policies as per requirements and other necessary information that would help in projecting yourself as a competent employee. Q: Of all the jobs you have had, which did you like the least? Why? The interviewer(s) through this question would like to analyze how you work in an unorganized environment. Do not go on highlighting the negative aspect about that concerned job. A professional answer mentioning the pros and cons would be ideal. “In one of the company were I worked two years back, had a situation that I would like to avoid. The company had a complex hierarchy system were least power was given to the mid and lower level of the. This resulted in creating a dependency on the top management, as both the said groups were always waiting for orders. As a result frustration grew among the employees due to this low empowerment policy.” Q: How would you rate your ability to prioritize work and set goals? Rate yourself in a scale of 1-10 and justify your rating with examples. “I would rate myself 7 in the scale of 1-10. The first organization where I worked had acute staff shortage. We were only 4 member team in the HR. Being the team leader I had to prioritize the work in accordance to the importance of the activities. Further, in the last two years I have worked as HR manager and had to prioritize a whole lot of activities to achieve the defined objectives.” Questions for HR Interview Q: Describe yourself. Q: Tell me about your educational background? Q: What do you know about the organization? Q: How do you justify the job? Q: Why do you want this job? Q: What do you want to work with this organization? Q: Where do you see yourself five years down the line? Q: What are your strengths? Q: What are your weaknesses? Q: What is human resource management? Q: What do you prefer recruitment or selection? Q: How do you motivate your employees? Q: What is more important to you money or position? Q: How does you define empowerment? Q: How do you define arrogance? Are you arrogant? Q: What role are you ready to take in a group? Q: Who has been an inspiration for you? Q: What is more important to you money or success? Q: What kind of person are you? Q: Rate yourself on a scale of 10. Q: How do you handle repetitive tasks? Q: How can you make use of IT in HRM? Q: Suggest a training program/workshop for feedback skills? Q: Why do you think HRM is important? Q: Have you ever dealt with difficult people? Q: What does trust mean to you? Q: What are retention strategies? Q: What do you mean by 360? feedback? Q: Which one is more better mentoring or coaching? Q: How would you terminate an employee who is not performing? Q: What is the difference between personnel management and human resource management? Q: What do you expect from this job? Q: Do you know anyone working with this organization? Q: What do you like best about what you have learned about this job? Q: What concerns do you have about this job? Q: What do you see as your primary qualifications for this job? Q: Why did you choose _________ as your major/subjects? Q: Are you willing to travel? Q: What kind of work interests you the most? Q: What kind of work interests you the least? Q: How would your references describe you? Q: Name five characteristics that describe you. Q: Are you a self-starter? Please provide specific examples. Q: How does your present position differ from past ones? Q: What would you like to avoid completely in your next job? Q: What have you done to prepare yourself to be a supervisor? Q: What aspect of supervision do you find the most difficult? Q: How do you motivate employees? Q: What are the competitive challenges in Human Resource Management? Q: Explain managing changes in HRM? Q: Tell me about a suggestion you have made? Q: Have you ever been asked to leave a position? Q: What is your philosophy towards work? Q: What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year? Q: What do co-workers say about you? Q: What experience do you have in this field? Q: Tell me about the most fun you have had on the job? Q: What has been your biggest professional disappointment? Q: Describe your work ethic? Q: Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute between others? Q: How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience? Q: If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you look for? Q: What has disappointed you about a job? Q: Why do you want to work in HR and why is confidentiality so important? Q: Our agency has employees whose workweek is Tuesday through Saturday. This year Veteran’s Day falls on a Saturday. Are these employees entitled to holiday time off? Q: May a deceased employee remain on the payroll to exhaust her annual leave accrual? Q: Does an agency have to provide an employee with time off if the employee is donating blood? Q: Do I have to use accrued leave if I serve as a bone marrow or organ donor? Q: What have you done to prepare yourself to be a supervisor? Q: How do you motivate employees? Q: What aspect of supervision do you find the most difficult? Q: What is the most important quality a supervisor should have? Q: How do you decide what to delegate and to whom? Q: Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty to get a job done. Q: Describe a situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way. Q: Tell me about your worst nightmare project. What went wrong and what did you do? What did you learn from this situation? Q: Assume you are a supervisor and one of your employees consistently arrives late to work. What action would you take? Q: It is 5:00pm on a Friday. Youre working on a tight deadline for your Manager, but the Director suddenly asks you to drop everything and deal with a customer complaint. What do you do? Q: A co-worker tells you in confidence that he suspects another colleague of stealing. What would your actions be? Q: While working at the front desk, please describe a situation where a client has reacted in a negative or threatening manner. How did you deal with the situation? Q: If you could change one (managerial) decision you made during the past two years, what would that be? Q: What would you do if someone asked you to do something unethical? Q: Have you ever had to resolve a conflict with a co-worker or client? How did you resolve it? Q: How do you feel about your accomplishments to date? Q: When Were You Most Satisfied in Your Job? Q: If you had a chance to make a change, what would you do differently? Q: What are some of the frustrations that you want to avoid in a new job? Q: How are you organizational skills? Q: What type of training program helps new employees understand a variety of jobs and their interrelationships? Q: What are simulations, computer-based or non-computer-based, that attempt to duplicate selected factors in a particular business situation, which the participants then manipulate called? Q: What are effective training approaches that utilize devices or programs replicating tasks away from the job site? Q: What helps ensure that a firm improves its ability to perform by identifying needed capabilities and the type of people needed to perform in an ever-evolving business environment? Q: Do you prefer to work alone, or do you work better in groups? Q: What is the Career Scope for the person working in HR. Q: What is the basic concept of Team Buildind? How it can be useful for the Development of the company? Q: If a person who is physically Disable and is working in HR Wants to migrate to some foreign country. Is he capable of doing so? Q: What kind of supervision of other workers have you been responsible for? Q: What experience do you have in coaching and mentoring employees? Q: What steps would you take to ensure employee satisfaction? Q: Of all the jobs you ve had, which did you like the least? Why? Q: How would you rate your ability to prioritize work and set goals?
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 16:19:35 +0000

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