HS8. Ps 23:1,2 - The Lord is my Shepherd ...He leads me ... I was - TopicsExpress


HS8. Ps 23:1,2 - The Lord is my Shepherd ...He leads me ... I was to leave for Monash Uni by mid-February 1979. Everyone was excited and happy for me. I was the first Uni-student - ‘Tai Hock Sang’ for our Yong Clan in my generation. It was a big thing then. If my dad were still around, he would probably be the most proud. I remember there was one time he took my Chinese Test Paper to show off to his friends because I got almost 100 marks for the test. I was probably his favorite child as up to that point, I produced the best results in my school work amongst his 12 children from 2 wives; 7 from our side and 5 from his 2nd wife. I would have no worry about finances because he was doing quite well as a contractor in Bentong. After his accidental death we found out that he had mortgaged our house and other properties to finance his business. Without a will, his assets and bank accounts were frozen. The 2 wives could not agree to work together. They engaged their own lawyers to pursue their share of the estate. It was quite complicated as both wives were not on talking terms. It would be more than 10 years later before we finally got a share of his estate. But by then, most of it were swallowed by bank interests and legal fees. The property prices had also plunged due to the economic downturn. My mum and the family (especially my 2 older sisters - Patyeo Kim ,Eleen Yong) pooled together some money, bought me a one way ticket to Melbourne, a big luggage, some clothes and I had RM1500 to last for the rest of the year. I know everyone made lots of sacrifices; it was the beginning of the school year and close to the Chinese New Year. There were lots of expenses for the family. Meanwhile I did not sign up to stay in the Uni-residence to save costs and I didnt know anyone in Australia. When I reached the airport, my accommodation had still not been sorted out. I had no idea where I was going to stay upon landing........How!? I could only trust our Good Shepherd to lead me...
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 00:59:25 +0000

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