HUGE DISCOVERY: GIANT ANGELS, (UFOSs?) AND WATCHERS AT THE BIRTH OF JESUS As I discussed in “The Los Secrets of the Watchers,” the Essene Church is considered by scholars to be a doorway or portal into the angelic realm. Many of the Dead Sea Scrolls make it abundantly clear that their community was a conduit to heaven. It was a stargate. The Essenes were preparing their individual bodies to be recipients of a holy spiritual transmission and receptacles of the glorious light body of the Mighty Ones or the Giants. In the Community Rule of the Dead Sea Scrolls the purpose of the Qumran community is described as: To prepare the way for the Messiah in the desert wilderness... to prepare a people to meet the Lord. The “meeting” with the Lord and the opening of this conduit is seen in Christian art portraying the Nativity of Christ. Many focus on the ‘luminous UFO cloud / ships present in this art. This luminous cloud IS NOT a UFO. It has long been identified. To identify it, all one needs to do is read the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible. What is being shown here is the Essenes tearing open a wormhole in the fabric of space-time and the appearance of the luminous organic cloud vehicle called the Merkavah or Throne Chariot. This is the method of transport used by the Watchers or the Angels of the Lord, including the Watcher angel who appeared at the birth of Jesus (as anticipated by the Essenes). In fact, according to the Gospel of Luke: Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel. A great company of angels -- Watchers -- poured through the cloud/gate/conduit. Most importantly, what is being portrayed in these paintings is the Incarnation of the Lord who comes out of heaven via this holy hole. Christ, the Light, “puts on” a body (the baby in the manger). This infers he disrobed in Heaven and now robes himself in a garment of skin or flesh. As in Pythagorean teaching, his soul is now in the body and wears it as a garment. Jesus was destined to, one day, show us how to turn his mortal garment into light. If you’d like to know more about Essene ‘stargate mysticism’, and how it can help you attain spiritual transformation, I hope you’ll read Lost Secrets of the Watchers or join Clare and I in Sarasota, Florida January 29-31, 2015 as we follow the trail of the garment of light and the luminous cloud to uncover the lost secrets of ascension, resurrection and perfection of the Watchers. Los Angeles is in the works for February. Nashville in April. Email me ([email protected]) for event details.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 13:02:57 +0000

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