??? HUHHH ??? WHOAaaaa ... November 5, 2014 National - TopicsExpress


??? HUHHH ??? WHOAaaaa ... November 5, 2014 National Economic Suicide: The U.S. Trade Deficit With China Just Hit A New Record High ... Did you know that we buy nearly five times as much stuff from the Chinese as they buy from us? Acording to government numbers that were just released, we imported 44.9 billion dollars worth of stuff from China in September but we only exported 9.3 billion dollars worth of stuff to them. And this is not happening because our economy is so much larger than Chinas. In fact, the IMF says that China now has the largest economy on the entire planet on a purchasing power basis. No, the truth is that this is happening because our economy is broken. Every month, we consume far more wealth than we produce. Because the outflow of money is far greater than the inflow, we have to go to major exporting nations and beg them to lend our dollars back to us so that we can pay our bills. Meanwhile, the quality of the jobs in this country continues to go down and our formerly great manufacturing cities are rotting and decaying. We are committing national economic suicide, and most Americans dont seem to care. READ MORE > blacklistednews/National_Economic_Suicide%3A_The_U.S._Trade_Deficit_With_China_Just_Hit_A_New_Record_High/38957/0/38/38/Y/M.html ========================================== COMMENTS > SO SAYS A > Vtran • 10 minutes ago East is fine and growing, West is suffering and declining! And who created this situation, the West, the Capitalist West ! This hasnt happened over night, this process has been going on for decades as Western Factories, Call Centres, Agriculture, Mineral Extraction, Clothing Products etc all out sourced to the East as labour is cheaper, and more profit to be made. However, no checks were put in place and now you find that even leading edge technologies are in the East, leaving at best just empty buildings with a view security personnel to protect structure from vandalism that once employed thousands ! Then the West accused China of Spying, and so China banned much of what little the West still produced (IT - software, hardware, mobiles, PC, Tablets, etc). To make matter worse, the West imposed Sanctions on Russia, imposed some more Sanctions and some more etc ... What does Russia now say - Please West dont stop the Sanctions. Our Agriculture sector is growing; we are working with our Chinese Friends to develop non Western IT; With our new Chinese Friends our Automobile and Civil Aviation Production Industries are Growing in Leaps and Bounds etc etc And who caused all this - the West !! The big Adventure to use the Cheap Labour Force of the East has well and truly Backfired !! ======== ANOTHER SAYS > John C Carleton • 26 minutes ago What do you want China to buy from us? About the only thing produced in the US are war toys and paper money with nothing backing it. The Chinese build their own war toys and can print their own paper money. The US had all its manufacturing shipped to China by a corrupt government, evil corporations and one worlders. The US is a user nation, not a producer nation. *Hmmmm ...
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 14:56:59 +0000

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