.HUMAN NEEDS AND RIGHTS.. About 5700 million people live on the - TopicsExpress


.HUMAN NEEDS AND RIGHTS.. About 5700 million people live on the earth today.Between us, we surely have the knowledge and skills to make a world a fit place for all to live in,a world which human kind is at peace with the rest of nature.For this to happen,every human being needs the chance to develop his or her full potential. The world is full of active,able people,young,old,in every country who are making positive contributions to the society.But,sadly,millions of others cannot develop fully because they are denied one or more of their needs and rights,the things are you believe you are entitled to as a member of society. Since the dawn of history,some human beings suffered hunger,poverty,slavery,cruelty, and death to the hands of others.Yet, it can be argued some group of people,such as the African,San Bushmen,have avoided war and developed fair ways of living together that harm nobody. PUTTING THE WRONGS TO RIGHT We have broad range of tools with which to solve our problems>LAWS which set rules for human behavior,TECHNOLOGY which helps get jobs done,THE DEMOCRATIC POLITICS with which we can make decisions together.A great belief with humanitys problem solving led the UNITED NATIONS to proclaim the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS in 1948,with the words ALL MEMBERS OF THE HUMAN FAMILY ARE BORN FREE AND EQUAL DIGNITY AND RIGHTS AND SHOULD ACT TOWARDS EACH OTHER IN THE SPIRIT OF BROTHERHOOD. Despite any progress we may have made in improving the way we treat our fellow human beings,more people across the globe suffer serious deprivation today than ever before.Only when the needs and rights of this people have been properly satisfied will be able to meet the confidence to other challenges facing the world. 1st. ENOUGH FOOD TO EAT is essential for all living things.Yet, 800 million people do not eat enough to stay healthy. 2nd. INFANT DEATH In the developing world is such is that 7 out of 100 babies die before their first birthday,compared with 1 in 100 developed countries. 3rd. PRIMARY SCHOOLING is every childs right.more than 90% of all children start school but 40% do not finish primary education. 4rth. LITERACY have improved worldwide since the 1960s but even so ,half the world females and a third of males cannot read and write. 5th. ADEQUATE HOUSING include proper sanitation facilities.Only quarter of humanities have these. 6th. GOVERNMENT WELFARE helps people cannot work or earn.Millions has no such protection. 7th. BASIC FREEDOMS include being able to express your opinion and vote on elections,many people lack these freedoms. 8th. WORK is another human rights,a source of self respect and income,more than a third of people are unemployed or underemployed. 9th.LIFE EXPECTANCY varies widely..people in such parts of the world die on average in their 40s,elsewhere they could expect to live 30 more years longer.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 11:54:17 +0000

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