HUMAN RIGHT (AFRICAS RACE) But why is it when it was slavery, - TopicsExpress


HUMAN RIGHT (AFRICAS RACE) But why is it when it was slavery, Africa was the best choice and now Africa is deprived of right to live, right to work, right to educate and do the will of God. The Earth is the Lords and all that dwell therein; somebody fancies himself to be superior, questioning some next man of his legitimacy on the land of the living but, you must be out of your damn mind!!! AFRICA, get up, stand up, unite and fight for your right. The Prophet said there would be WAR until theres no longer no first class and second class citizen of any nation neither of the world. I suppose the weapon of our warfare aint gun, neither is it knife nor machete so RENEW YOUR MIND, TAP-IN TO THE SPIRIT, CONNECT WITH THE ALMIGHTY and CLAIM your right from God as Africa is treading too long on their wine-press. Remember, the Prophet said we have to REBEL but my Lord, if we rebel these days well be remanded in custody but not sentenced because its her majestys pleasure. I know we have to put ourselves together to fight the good fight of faith, claim our right as HUMAN and resist from been led to destruction. Taxes been deducted illegally everyday and been spent foolishly every time, you could imagine UN paying them substantial amounts of money for human rights under the Geneva convention but under coalition governments the fraud must be done unanimously for precedent had been set and thus predetermined to the detriment of the human race and HUMANITY as a whole. I WAS CREATED WITH RIGHT AS HUMAN so aint no child of the bond-woman that lives on bond street tell me about no human right as theres nothing that looks like it in babylon but really and truly theres dog race horse race mixed race which is human cross-breed while rat race is a pursuit of wealth. Youve been RE-ACCESSED by the ALMIGHTY because of your wickedness and brutality but you called it RECESSION, thinking you are deceiving us, you better change from your perverseness and stiff-necked; for you to see the goodness and mercy of the Lord but, otherwise youll live to see the ANGER OF THE LORD and your seeds shall inherit the wrath of God thats obviously deadlier than terrorist attack but for them to say about I that I had done my path, Ill humbly leave you with the Grace of the Lord to ponder ON YOUR OWN and let the LOVE OF GOD flow inside you; for PEACE to reign on the face of the earth.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 18:21:05 +0000

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