HUMANS ARE GMO: There are two events that interests me. The first - TopicsExpress


HUMANS ARE GMO: There are two events that interests me. The first is represented in Legend by the Garden of Eden Legend in the Bible. Something supernatural gave human a new awareness and forced him out of the Garden (jungle). A parallel Legend from Ancient Tibet relates of a touch by something greater. This legend is artistically portrayed by Arthur C Clarke in 2001, A Space Odyssey , when the pre-men touched the megalith. External interference in evolution qualities as GMO. Archaeologists say some Gracile Australopithecines were forced onto the hot dry plains about 2 million years ago by shrinking jungles and the stronger Robustus. ( You remember the report that DNA evidence identified one species of Graciles, nicknamed Lucy, was shown to be the common ancestor of all humans). The hot dry Plains presented severe evolutionary pressure. Various species of early man evolved upright stance or loss of body hair or larger brain. The hot solar radiation probably accelerated mutation. We know there were periodic intense solar flares also. Interbreeding Probably resulted in an early cave man with all the three critical traits. (Madame Blavatshy dated the unique event at about 15 million years ago, but her timescale may be off. There was an earlier than 2 million years ago advent onto the plains, but fossil evidence suggests survival failed at the earlier time). We do not know much about evolution before 2 million years ago since fossils did not survive in moist jungles. The second event that concerns me is what is still not understood. Sometime about 1/2 million years ago or so, mans brain size and quality suddenly (in geological time) increased significantly. What caused this sudden increase? Radiation causing Mutation from solar flare? Some GMO nudge by Higher Powers? Evidence shows that there were a steady streams of exits from Africa by monkeys, apes, pre-men and early men. The common ancestor of Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal was in Europe at least 150,000 years ago, at about the time the two species split. Both Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal spread throughout Europe and Northern Asia, but were not found in Africa. There was some interbreeding between the two. Some Human Europeans or Asians today have 5-15% Neanderthal DNA. Cro-Magnon is the ancestor of one branch of modern humans, other branches coming out of Africa at later dates. The film Clan of the Cave Bear was an interesting portrayal.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 14:15:00 +0000

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