HUMBLE SUGGESTIONS TO RESOLVE THE CRISIS The Prime Minister of Pakistan should take a vote of confidence from the parliament. Parliament can also decide that the Prime Minister may be set aside [Nonfunctional ] for a month or so until the allegations against him are clear The Chief Minister of Punjab may however resign with immediate effect. An independent commission should be formed with the consultation of PAT, to investigate and monitor the FIRS and cases against the accused of Model Town tragedy. The members of the commission should consist of representatives from PAT, retired Judges and representatives from other leading political parties of Pakistan An new independent election commission be formed [in consultation with PAT and PTI ] that may design a new transparent electoral system in the light of suggestions given by both PAT and PTI . The commission shall also investigate the accusations of rigging in the past elections and have the authority to disqualify any person permanently if found guilty. If the constitution allows an early election date be announced by the Prime Minister [after two years] The constitution of Pakistan is the only document which can hold us united and we must try to protect the sanctity of it. God forbid we if the democracy is derailed this time there is a great danger of the disintegration of Pakistan. Pakistan Army is busy in North Waziristan and also protecting western borders and should NOT be dragged into internal politics at all. The politicians MUST get together once again and try to resolve the matter amicably among themselves. Sticking to egos is not the answer. IK and TUQ should display some flexibility now and consider the larger interest of the country. All “Dharnas” and demonstrations are not bringing any fruitful result rather causing uncertainty. chaos and irreversible damage to the country’s economy. Let’s protect interest of the country first. LONG LIVE PAKISTAN
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:40:33 +0000

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