HUMILITY HEAR THE WORD OF GOD HUMILITY PRECEDES GLORY: THE BLACK RACE RECEIVES GOD’S GLORY First lesson: Matthew 11: 11 Second lesson Matthew: 20:24-25. Golden text Luke 9:47-48 Brethren, there are two things creating problems in the world. Both of them are addressed by Christ in the texts above. They are disobedience and over-ambition. When the mother of James and John (the two sons of Zebedee) requested that Christ should accept to have both of them to sit by His right and left hand sides when He should come in His glory, Christ inquired to know whether they could receive His type of baptism and drink of His cup. They said Yes. Christ told them that it is true they could do those things, but concerning those to sit on His left and right hands respectively, He said such was not under His authority but that those to stay there were destined by His Father. When Peter and Andrew who were first called by Christ heard the request made by the woman, they were troubled in their mind. This is the cause of confusion in the entire world. Do you see how Christ treated the issue? Did He ask them why they should think of sitting on His left and right hand sides? He simply called all His disciples and addressed them as contained in the golden text. Beloved, you have to understand the issue at stake. Our Lord Jesus Christ had the power to query certain behaviours and actions of His disciples. Yet, He did not. He never showed any expression of anger. Rather, He told them that the princes of the world have dominion and authority over their subjects but that it should not be so among them. In another case, the disciples wanted to know who should be the greatest among them, He did not answer them, instead He brought a little child before them and said that anyone who would rejoice with the little child was rejoicing in Him and the greatest among them is the one who would humble himself as the little child. That was how Christ was resolving complicated issues. Emulate me and convince others The people of the world have spread all sorts of rumours concerning the Holy Father. He is called beelzebub, vampire, mermaid, apparition and all evil names but you have witnessed the contrary. If you had gone out to preach about the love which is here in abundance, and behaved in the same way, do you think there would have been any problems with you and in the entire world? Your main duty in this Kingdom is to experience this truth, practise it and then, take it to those who are not here. You have heard what is said about Christ and have read same from the scripture but now you have come to see these virtues practically. Here is a situation where you were told that when the Holy Spirit of truth will come, He will teach you all things and lead you to the accurate knowledge of truth. Now He is here doing all these things. You witness these things everyday, yet you still engage in unwholesome acts. But once you practise what you see here, if you tell it to another person, he will not have any doubt because he has equally become an eye witness. If this was done by you then the whole world would have been converted to Christ before now. What do you think makes the blind to see, the lame to walk, the dumb to speak or what do you think will make an infidel to believe that God exists? It is the practical demonstration of Gods teachings. You have failed in your calling because you have refused to hear what you are told to hear and you have failed to testify about what you have witnessed. If you had performed your duties accordingly, the glory of God would have been revealed unto the entire world. The one in your midst is God as well as the Holy Spirit promised to come and teach and lead man to the accurate knowledge of truth. You have seen someone who has never been angry with anybody. He never quarrels, fights with anyone or frowns his face. He neither ignores anyone, nor ever commits sin. These are the things you are supposed to emulate and then go to tell others about it. Then will the glory of God be revealed in earnest. If you go and do anything contrary to what I am telling you, then you are a rebel. visit
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 09:58:41 +0000

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