HUNGER If you know who you are, you need not prove yourworth - TopicsExpress


HUNGER If you know who you are, you need not prove yourworth because, it will reflect on its own accord. If you know who you are, you will not be swept off your feet by those little things which you have control over even though they are yet to manifest NOW but will certainly do at the appointed time. In this era of ours, we want our desires delivered “sharp sharp” and are not willing to wait in our trying times thereby giving the devil the chance topenetrate through us via our longings; desires; hunger as the case may be. This he does by suggesting various alternative solutions and compromising modes to acquire our desire which would then turn out to be a temporary and small version of God’s plan but would have deprived us of the glorious and greater delivery from God’s hands. Little wonder why people do; “yahoo yahoo, aristos, fraud, prostitution, money rituals, cheating, pretense in other to get married”, etc. There is always a waiting period; the period in which you earnestly hunger and desire a thing and the time in which it is finally delivered from above. During this period, the devil being fully aware of that need; will bring different suggestions, fast rules, and crooked ideas of meeting such desires etc. for your attention. Whenit is against the Biblical principle then you will know it is not from God. What you do during this waiting period matters a lot. If you give in to the devil and his ideas, you might get what you want but it will come also with loads of regret and sorrows; it is only the blessings of God that makes rich and He adds no sorrows with it (Pro. 9:22). See the case of Jesus in Matt. 4:1-11. Until you are able to stand your ground painstakingly, put your absolute trust in God, study and meditate upon the word; pray and present your case to God with his word then; you will not be due to receive the angel’s attendance to your case. Jesus knew who he was, he knew the devil’s offer(though attractive at that moment as it always is) were very little compared to what he had in God so, he with stood the test, held on to the word andrebuked the devil based on the word. What happened next? Angels ministered to him immediately. Was God unaware of Jesus’s plight during the devil’s cunny idea delivery? NO! He was only waiting to glory in that situation and boast of his son’s trust and faith in Him (the Father). He allowed the devil to pass his time and when he confirmed Jesus’s stand; he let loose the angels for his sake. Do you need something and it seems it’s not forth-coming? Does it seem like God is deaf? Are you going to say that ‘after all, God knows I have tried and am tired of waiting; so God will understand”? The end of a matter is better than the beginning thereof; instead of giving in to the devil; turn to God, deliver your weakness to him for strength, hold on like Job did, stand firm like the Hebrew boys and you will see the lord in action for your sake; he wants to Glory in that situation of your life. As for you that had given in already to the devil and you want to return to God, God is a merciful Father, a broken and a contrite heart he’ll not despise (Ps. 51:17) and those who come to Him, He will in no wise cast away. Just pray this prayer: LORD JESUS, I BELIEVE IN YOU AND THE REDMPTION OF MY SOUL WHICH YOU DID WITH YOUR BLOOD, I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE FAILED AND DISAPPOINTED YOU, I COME TO YOU TODAY, FORGIVE ME AND LET YOUR MERCY SPEAK FOR ME; CLEANSE ME AND RENEW THE SPIRIT WITHIN ME. I SURRENDER MYSELF TO YOU, DO TO ME ACCORDING TO YOUR WILL, I BELIEVE I AM BORN AGAIN, THANK YOU JESUS
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 14:36:05 +0000

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