HUNTING DOWN POLITICAL OPPONENTS TO RPF REGIME AND MASSIVE VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS SPREADING IN RWANDA Based on the imprisonment of the PS IMBERAKURI Secretary General in charge of mobilization, Mr. Jean Baptiste ICYITONDERWA, the disappearance of Mr. Michel MUSHIMIYIMANA in charge of technology and other persecutions towards political opponents; Recalling the decision of the district of Gasabo to revoke the authorization previously granted to PDP Imanzi political party to meet for its constituent meeting, the political parties PS Imberakuri and FDU Inkingi would like to inform Rwandan people, friends of Rwanda, and other militants of change, the followings: Yesterday on November 5, 2013, Mr. Jean Baptiste ICYITONDERWA responded to the Remera police summon , upon his arrival accompanied with his legal counsel, he was grilled by police charging him of forgery and the using forged documents then it jailed him. The police then issued additional summons for NTAVUKA Martin, NTAKIRUTIMANA Emmanuel and HITIMANA Samuel. The summons were handed over to their legal counsel when in trial at the Intermediate Court of Kacyiru where they were all subsequently acquitted of preparing and participating in unauthorized manifestations. It was not over because the same legal counsel was handed over the summons for BAKUNZIBAKE Alexis, First Vice President of PS IMBERAKURI and for Mrs. IRAKOZE Jenny Flora, the Treasurer of FDU Inkingi. However, the legal counsel explained to the police that he does not know these individuals, that he knows only those who have been his clients. The police responded that it will look after them itself. All these people are being accused for being on the list of more than one hundred students that signed a letter to the Prime Minister requesting that student loans that have been suspended be reestablished. The fact that Jean Baptiste ICYITONDERWA has been arrested then jailed on fabricated charges that he was one who led the signature drive on the letter mentioned above, and the fact that the police has summoned BAKUNZIBAKE Alexis, IRAKOZE Jenny Flora, NTAVUKA Martin, NTAKIRUTIMANA Emmanuel and HITIMANA Samuel, is a clear evidence that it does not have a good will other than jailing them in line of the RFP government policy to not tolerate any dissenting voice. Also, the hunting down of all persons that refused to join RPF Inkotanyi, the disappearance of MUSHIMIYIMANA Michel then the revocation of the permit to meet that has been granted by Gasabo District to PDP Imanzi political party for its gathering on November 8, 2013 and others various signs show that there will be no freedom and political space from the ruling party, RPF Inkotanyi. PS Imberakuri and FDU Inkingi political parties urge the Kigali regime to show where is Mr. MUSHIMIYIMANA Michel, to unconditionally release Mr. Jean Baptiste ICYITONDERWA, and to abandon the despicable practices of fabricating charges against the political opponents and other ordinary citizens. Also these parties urge the Kigali regime to stop once and for all the persecution towards the ordinary citizens around the country, where some now have their homes being destroyed by the authorities in broad daylight (Nyagatare District) for the sole reason that they are internal migrants. However one recalls that the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda, in its article 23, grants all Rwandans the authorization to live wherever they wish in the country and in article 29, it is stated that the personal property is inviolable. It appears that the administration in Nyagatare is not in any way concerned by these articles of the Constitution but instead preoccupied by the well-connected people aimed to take over these pieces of land for farming, therefore driving their legitimate owners to a refugee’s status in their own country. PS Imberakuri and FDU Inkingi continue to ask the Kigali regime to try to abide by the laws it itself established, to let opposition political parties to operate freely, to cease any kind of persecution towards it citizens. In fact, these practices tarnish the image of our government and now any Rwandan citizen is perceived as a suspicious individual and is no longer welcomed in neighboring countries. PS Imberakuri and FDU Inkingi political parties call all friends of Rwanda that it is time now to come to rescue people of Rwanda from this indescribable persecution engineered by its own government. As the Rwandan adages go “The Truth Hurts and it doesn’t burn when passing through any live fireplace” Done in Kigali on November 6, 2013 Alexis BAKUNZIBAKE First Vice President PS Imberakuri Boniface TWAGIRIMANA Interim Vice President FDU Inkingi
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 07:23:07 +0000

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