HUSBANDS, MAN UP WITH HONOR Likewise, HUSBANDS, live with your - TopicsExpress


HUSBANDS, MAN UP WITH HONOR Likewise, HUSBANDS, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing HONOR to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered. 1 Peter 3:7. Good morning family. Yes, this is for the men on the end of this devo. It doesnt matter if you are married, engaged, single but looking for Adrian (those fellow Rocky fans will know what I am talking about), ; ) or havent a desire in the least for female companionship, this is for you my testosterone buddies. ; ) Ladies, try and resist the mmmm hmmm, thats right little man you should be listening closely on this one!. Instead, pray for the Holy Spirit to continue moving in the heart of that man in your life or the one God has chosen especially for you but you have yet to see him revealed to you just yet. ; ) Honor. Every time I hear or read that word my mind goes back to the movie Gladiator. : ) Maximus encouragement of Strength and Honor. Gives me goose bumps. Yes, I digress. : ) Honor, the word Joe, whats it meaning here....focus! : ) I was looking at some sources on the word itself but I decided to add one authors thoughts: The word “grant” means to assign or apportion that which is due. A wife deserves HONOR (the Greek word has the nuance of value or worth). Grammatically, the phrase “as a delicate instrument, namely, a feminine one” can go either with “dwell together according to knowledge” or with “assigning her a place of honor.” I take it with the latter, the sense being, rather than take advantage of your wife because she is physically weaker, you should treat her carefully as you would a valuable instrument. A doctor would never think of taking an expensive, delicate instrument and using it to pound a nail. He would “honor” that instrument by treating it well. That puts honor in a bit more perspective. However, I know some out there are thinking, what about honoring me? You dont know my wife? Honor, really? Etc., etc. blah, blah, blah. Read what Pastor Mark Driscoll has to say on this subject: And this leads us into the main point of Peter’s writing: husbands are to be good men who love their wives by living with them “in an understanding way, showing HONOR to the woman” (emphasis mine). As the head of the family, a man is in an important and unique role given by God to be stewarded well to the heath of the family and the glory of God. Unfortunately, in our culture, most men abdicate their role and make a mockery of it before the world and God. For a woman, the decision to trust a man to be her husband, to live with her without endangering her and lead her without harming her, is a frightening one, especially when that man turns out to be a sinning husband who leads poorly and abuses his role. Men, understand the gravity of your call as a husband and as a dad. Do not abuse it. Peter’s call to husbands is to love your wife by understanding her and HONORING her. Understanding and HONORING your wife You need to know your wife well to develop true intimacy with her. Another way of saying intimacy is “into me see.” Your wife wants you to be with her, to talk with her, to hear her, and to understand what she loves and what makes her tick. You can’t get there by coming home and watching sports or poking around on the Internet until bedtime. Love your wife well by being present with her, conversing with her, enjoying time with her, and laying down the things you find valuable to do the things that she finds valuable. Conclusion In looking at 1 Peter 3:7, it’s clear that Peter’s intent is not to make a commentary on gender so much as to push men to be good, loving, safe, selfless, and considerate husbands. Practically, this means that as a husband your priorities should be ordered as such: Christian, husband, father, and employee. Everything else comes after that or not at all. The call to biblical manhood is a high one but it costs much. You wife needs you to be a strong man who leads sacrificially by loving her and your kids well, not in a domineering or weak way but in a tough and tender way that shows you’re willing to work hard to provide and protect, and to do the hard work of being available emotionally and leading spiritually out of deep love for her and your kids. In doing so, you’ll fulfill Peter’s call in 1 Peter 3:7 and God’s desire for you as a husband. And my friends and family if thats not enough, just consider the ending of the verse, that your prayers are not hindered. : ) What man doesnt want his prayers answered?! So if thats your motivation, run with it. : ) Lastly folks, and I have shared this with close family and friends, it doesnt matter how we feel, or what we think when it comes to what God has to say on things. His Word is very clear on and this subject is no exception. He doesnt care how we feel about it...or what we think. We have a choice, we can choose to obey and be blessed in obedience or choose not to and reap the rewards associated with disobedience. The choice is yours and mine. I pray we will make the right one. : ) Love and blessings!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 14:52:29 +0000

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