HYPOCRISY AND HOLIER THAN THOU ATTITUDE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. WHOEVER COMPILE THIS REPORT SHOULD BE REGARDED AS BABOONS AND GORILLAS. I have found this report incredulous, and hypocritic. It exposes the holier than thou attitude of the UK journalists as well as crude practice of journalism. The allegation that the Nigerian Government is terrorising part of its population and committing possible war crimes in its battle against Boko-Haram, is baseless and unfounded. Assuming without conceding that 4000 people had died since Boko-Haram began its attack on Nigeria, would any sane journalist compare this figure with over 20000 innocent people, killed by impious, horrific insurgents, in barbaric manner, in virtually every part of the North? They are even spreading their operations to the South. It would be recalled that there was bomb-blast in Apapa and Abubakar Shekau himself claimed responsibility, insisting that it was done by the rebels. Only today, a lame man was reported to have attempted bombing the Murtala Mohammed International Airport, Ikeja Lagos. If he has succeeded, the devastation of the blast would have been ramifying As far as I am concerned, the United Kingdom in particular and the West as a whole are behaving true-to-type to the proverbial people in Yoruba adage, who invite thieves to raid a farm and also alert the farmer to arrest them-Won pe ole ko wa ja ; won tun pe oloko ko wa mu They were the ones that planted the bomb of disunity in the center of Nigerian polity on their departure at our Independence in 1960. Their aim was to ensure that the country becomes balkanized, so that each of the splinter units become economically unviable State. Unfortunately the rulership of the country has been unable to rise to the occasion, because of the mediocrity she has espoused from the word go. Now that the bomb has stated exploding, Nigeria is making frantic effort at bringing the situation under control in spite of her enormous challenges-political, economic and social-these same UK authorities,, through the instrumentality of their media organizations have become judgemental. Boko-Haram terrorists are not known to manufacture the sophisticated arms and ammunition including IEDs and guns they use against our counterinsurgents, and innocent citizens. All these they get from the same West, no doubt. They in the recent past, blamed Nigeria for impunity in the prosecution of the war for use of overwhelmed and under-resourced military. Now they are shifting ground that our counterinsurgents are committing war-crimes. WHAO! They are approbating and reprobating at the same time, thus talking from two sides of the mouth. By the way, how loud has the West accused Israel of pogrom against Hamas? Their holier than thou attitude could be seen in criticising The Third World of human right abuse while covering-up the policies that violate and abrogate human rights in their own country. Awon a-ri-teni-mo o-wi; ti nfapaadi feere bo ti e mole meaning people who point at specks in someone else eyes while covering-up, logs in their own eyes. Only is September 2013, a Miss Raquel Rolnik, a Brazilian Special Rapporteur of the United Nations carpeted the UK for poverty-unfriendly Housing Policy which borders on human rights abuse. She declared that the policy would hit the poor, vulnerable, the most fragile-the people who are on the fringes of coping with everyday life. She wrote; I was very shocked to hear how people really feel abused in their human rights by this decision and why- being so vulnerable, they should pay for the economic downturn which was brought about by the financial crises In a fury and much ado about nothing, Richard Littlejohn of the Daily Mail, on Sept. 12 , 2013 dismissed the Report as absolute disgrace, when in fact, it is real. He said there was tendency in certain circles to fetishise the UN as the sole arbiter of truth and justice around the world. He added that In reality, it (the UN) is little more than a hideously expensive bureaucracy that allows political pygmies to posture on the world stage He said that the UN was like FIFA without the football, and accused the World body of giving monkeys chances to comment on human rights posture of UK which has been blown out of proportion. Thus, it is easy for UK to discredit the World body for allowing report impugning on her (UKs) integrity. If the Report of Miss Raquel Rolnik was viewed by a UK journalist, as written by a pygmy /monkey, whoever compile the report in question, accusing Nigeria of War Crime, should be regarded as baboons and gorillas,which should not be allowed to posture on the Nigerian domestic affairs
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 20:34:50 +0000

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