HYPOCRITES - SINGING BOB MARLEYS SONG- VIA SUNDAY STANDARD Ntuane tears “tribal” BCP apart by Spencer Mogapi 17-07-2014 Member of Parliament for Gaborone West South, Botsalo Ntuane has called the Botswana Congress Party a tribal grouping that seeks to undo nation building efforts started by founding fathers like Sir Seretse Khama and Sir Ketumile Masire. He said the BCP clandestinely couches its intentions by pretending to believe in good governance and espousing a holier-than- thou demeanour as a way of covering up its true colours. Ntuane was debating a parliamentary motion brought by Gilson Saleshando that seeks to influence government to broadcast minority languages on both radio and television – over and above Setswana and English. A former BCP leader, Gilson Saleshando is also the father to current leader, Dumelang Saleshando. The elder Saleshando is also married to Professor Lydia Saleshando, who is herself an established sub-cultural activist with a long history of campaigning for recognition of minorities and their languages. In a debate that often bordered on hysteria and anger, Ntuane said it was high time the BCP was exposed for what it really stood for. He said the BCP wants to turn Botswana into an apartheid era Bantustan. He called the BCP a tribal pressure group. “It’s time Batswana understand this,” said Ntuane. He said it was impractical that all of Botswana’s 28 languages could be broadcast over state radio and television. If BCP is allowed to get their way, next time they will be demanding to change the name of the country to reflect the country’s tribal structures but also to suit the party’s real agenda, he said. “Here is a tribal pressure group that is masquerading as a political party. The BCP is a party that espouses all the tribal undertones that will destroy all the unity and nation building that we have achieved so far,” said Ntuane. Member of Parliament for Kanye North, Kentse Rammidi however put on a strong BCP defence. He said if there was anybody who was destroying the country it was Ntuane’s BDP. “If by defending the rights of minorities as the BCP we are a tribal grouping then I am proud of it. Destroying the country is stealing the public money and depositing it in a Trust Fund in Serowe. Not calling for tribal equality,” said Rammidi, in reference to reports that intelligence services has been laundering a bank account opened by President Ian Khama to help the poor. Rammidi said the BDP is inherently tribalistic saying while at the party he was himself part of nocturnal time plots hatched against current speaker, Margaret Nasha because she was deemed too ambitious in her pursuit to become State President. Interestingly Rammidi and Ntuane are socially very close. They share a symmetrically similar political history. Both started as promising ruling party rising stars before they got disillusioned with President Ian Khama. Ntuane went on to start Botswana Movement for Democracy before he fell-out with colleagues and went back to rejoin the Botswana Democratic Party where he is today trying to reinvent himself as the party’s leading enforcer of tradition and history as he was doing when trying to shoot down Saleshando’s motion. When he lost interest in the BDP, Rammidi had a stint at Botswana National Front before setting at Botswana Congress Party. OF ALL PEOPLE, BOTSALO NTUANE SHOULD KIP QUIET!!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 07:47:34 +0000

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