Ha Ha Ha … Last year my sister Brittany sent me this - TopicsExpress


Ha Ha Ha … Last year my sister Brittany sent me this hilarious video, as a JOKE (we didnt even know who Tony Horton was) saying, LOOK I FOUND YOUR TWIN. Because I was the girl at the checkout spending hundreds of dollars a month on products to help me achieve optimum health and energy. Little did she know, this would eventually catapult me into my NEW and super EXCITING health and fitness journey. For me, starting on this product was a no-brainer. I have thoroughly STUDIED these ingredients over the years and was already making similar shakes and giving others the recipe…while sending them all over the place to find all the ingredients. My version also did not taste this AH-MAzing and took a lot of effort to make (and it was GREEN and people thought that was weird! haha) I have now replaced ALL my supplements, and my complicated smoothie, with this one, incredibly delicious, whole FOOD shake containing proteins, berries (read: ANTIOXIDANTS), greens (read: PHYTONUTRIENTS), adaptogens and pre/probiotics and enzymes. Once a day, its my delicious treat and I seriously look forward to drinking it every morning! In addition to it just making my life SO much simpler, there have been some other unexpected benefits: My cravings are GONE. I have to admit that when I was pregnant, I got into some bad habits (read: daily Starbucks cookie) Those days are over (ok...except for when I was in Italy) I havent been SICK. I am about 6 months in, and while both my mom and Mike had flus for about 3 weeks around me, I did not catch anything and have been thriving. I have ENERGY. Even though I am taking care of a 6 month old, and nursing 2-3 times throughout the night, I still have energy around the clock to do my chores, work, teaching, errands and my daily 30 min workout. I am losing WEIGHT. This isnt a weight-loss product per se (It is not one of these fad products, nor a stimulant). But one of the benefits of getting OPTIMAL and ABSORBABLE nutrition, and balancing hormone and blood sugar levels, is that you stop craving and filling up on garbage food. In our society, we are not lacking in MACROnutrients by any means, but we are lacking in MICROnutrients. Thus we eat more and more, trying to satisfy that DEFICIT. I have dozens of family members and friends drinking the shake and achieving similar RESULTS. My grams who is diabetic and has arthritis has noticed improvements in BOTH of these: fasting blood sugars DOWN and pain almost GONE. Fellow mamas are finding improved ENERGY, HEALTH, and WELL-BEING. My challengers are getting AMAZING fitness results since they are being sufficiently FUELED. This shake does not contain any synthetic chemicals, preservatives, additives, colorants, artificial flavours, artificial sweeteners or any of the garbage that is often found in health shakes. It has 6 g of fruit sugar, all natural Stevia leaf and over 70 ingredients and top nutrient dense WHOLE foods from around the world. There is a whey and a vegan option. If you want to know more, msg me, or comment with your email below. I am here to HELP as I always have been, with peoples health and nutrition. I can tell you about each and every ingredient, what culture its from, how long people have been using it for, and what it does. I can send or make you a free sample (Hurry, I am mailing them this week!). I can help you get the same DISCOUNT on the product that I get. xo youtu.be/HwgaeGBvm4c
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 02:27:03 +0000

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