Ha,ha, ha. Nigger never did nothing? Egypt aint Africa, black - TopicsExpress


Ha,ha, ha. Nigger never did nothing? Egypt aint Africa, black never built anything in Africa? Only God can help us! My question is who is this KNEEGROW, and how much did he get paid for this adverstisement? This is exactly why we needed Allah to come in person of Master Fard Muhammad, to repair the damage done to our people. Even ignorant white folks know better from reading the history that their people did not write of us. With youtube and the computer, ignorant white folks have become increasingly aware of the lies taught to the Negro and to themselves during his 460 year journey in this country called America. It has been and still is most of the Kneegrow preachers who have been the messenger of ignorance for white hegemony. They alone have given birth to millions of black people and held them in Christian Bondage by teaching them a steady diet of WHITE SUPREMACY. Prior to the birth of (white) Adam six thousand, six hundred years ago. The black man ruled the entire earth. ( Adam and Eve is not the birth of all peoples on the earth. It is only the birth of the white man and woman) The very story of Adam in the Bible scriptures is telling you the story of the first white people on our planet. LETS US MAKE MAN, IN OUR IMAGE AFTER OUR LIKENESS. AND LETS GIVE HIM POWER TO RULE FOR SIX DAYS (SIX THOUSAND YEARS). The Holy Quran puts it this way. I AM GOING TO MAKE A RULER IN THE EARTH (GOD/ALLAH TALKING TO THE ANGELS). AND THE ANGELS QUESTION GOD. WE CELEBRATE THY PRAISE AND EXTOL YOUR HOLINESS. BUT WILL YOU MAKE SOMEONE WHO WOULD MAKE MISCHIEF AND CAUSE THE SHEDDING OF BLOOD? AND GOD ANSWERS HIM. SURELY I KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW NOT. If you the reader of scripture (I dont care what you call yourselves, guru, scholar, wise man, or nut case) If you have not study the WISDOM of Master Fard Muhammad as taught to us by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Then there is no way that you could have the knowledge that I am privilege to impart to you. You are left parroting the words of this IDIOT (no offense to legitimate idots) Leaving Egypt out of his proof of the black mans superior knowledge before the making of the white race. This clown swallows, line, hook and sinker the lies told to him by his former and still slave masters the white race. His pastoral degree is well earned. I cannot in this short space and time, give you a thorough knowledge of yourself. But what I will do is to offer you some materials to read that will assist you to learn more about yourself and white folks and the reason they have become the worlds biggest murderer and deceiver. Read first and foremost, THE MESSAGE TO THE BLACK MAN by Elijah Muhammad. This book will serve as your base for all other books you will read. It is in this book that you will learn what the white man could never teach you about yourself, Bible and Holy Quran. Remember the white man as the conqueror only can write for us his-story and used the black clergy to give it to us in sugar coated words of a white Jesus and prophets. He prepared us for three hundred years to swallow the CASTOR OIL with a smile on our faces. Now we drink it without a grimace or frown on our foolish faces. The next books are THE DESTRUCTION OF BLACK CIVILIZATION by Chancelor Williams. STOLEN LEGACY by George James. THE MIS-EDUCATION OF THE NEGRO by Carter G. Woodson. UP FORM SLAVERY By Booker T. Washington. HOW AMERICA UNDEVELOPED AFRICA by Walter Rodney. All of the books of Cheih Anta Diop on Africa. These are just for starters. Remember also that it took all of three hundred years for the white man to removed completely everything in us that would remind us of our past. In the Virginia House of Legislation in 1832 a United States Senator speaking to his colleagues in the well of the state capital said these words WE HAVE AS FAR AS POSSIBLE REMOVED ALL LIGHT (KNOWLEDGE) THAT MAY ENTER THE SLAVES MIND. AND IF WE CAN STOP THE SUN FOR SHINING ON HIM, OUR WORK WILL BE DONE. WE CAN THEN REDUCE HIM TO THE BEAST OF THE FIELD. Now if you dont want to read all of these books, then have the good sense to listen to those who have. We have among us today, great historians of our history. Listen to the lectures of Dr. Ben, Min. Farrakhan, Leonard Jeffreys, John Henrik Clarke, and a host of others. Get the DVDS of bro. Kwasi who does a brilliant work on the history of Africa. Get the books of Dr. Wesley Muhammad, so that you as the reader will get understanding of the true role of Islam in all of our history, and why the white man does not want his NEGRO ever to study the religion of our fathers. The slave ships contained millions of African Muslims. Check out the Movie Roots. Kinte Kunte was himself a Muslim. YOUTUBE can assist in being your saviour. Sit down in the comfort of your prison cell (your home) and listen and learn. Then watch how the scales will be remove from your eyes. The great cities of Egypt were built in stone, and having no rain fall, preserved for us to weather the storm of slavery, and then reclaim what is ours. Dont listen to white folks and their kneegrows tell you that Egypt is not a part of Africa. Thats the same as him telling you that your arm have nothing to do with the rest of your body. WAKE UP BLACK MAN AND WOMAN. LEARN SO THAT YOU CAN FREE YOURSELF. The Bible says: How can you know, unless you have a techer, and how can you have a teacher, unless HE be sent? Peace!
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 12:25:22 +0000

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