Haaaa, Haaa. Im sorry, I just have to laugh. As s solution to the - TopicsExpress


Haaaa, Haaa. Im sorry, I just have to laugh. As s solution to the big lie of man caused climate change the democraps are constantly selling us on Green Energy or as they like to say clean renewable energy. You know like solar and wind. Oil and coal.....BAD...sorry you union coal miners- I guess you need to come up with more dollars to donate to the Democrat Party if you like your jobs. Obama and his hyper rich cronies in congress are constantly beating us about the head and neck with their bull crap carbon emissions scam theory of climate change and extolling the evils of Big Oil right? Never mind no green energy technology to date can power an airliner, a locomotive, a cargo ship, or an over the highway tractor trailer truck, fire engine etc. So if you like walking into the grocery store and finding your favorite bag of chips in stock on the shelf, we need oil. Want to fly to Florida to visit your old favorite Auntie Martha, have her home made cherry pie and beat the winter cold for a week or so. You need oil unless you are one of the few liberals who can afford an electric car- which uses fossil fuels in most cases to charge its batteries. Do you like basic products we have come to depend on like things made out of plastic...we still need oil. Green energy is fine and dandy, and I like cool new technology along these lines too but....we still need oil. Even Libs need oil. Their propaganda arm in the liberal network and cable media blame every storm and odd bit of weather on man caused climate change. Too cold...too warm...tornado...high wind...dying starfish, warm oceans...too much rain, no rain? Its got to be man caused climate change! Heres a little secret. Climate change has been happening as part of nature since the earth cooled and the oceans formed. Its nothing man caused or un-natural. But liberals are constantly working on two things. Firstly, they never tire of finding new and inventive ways (or contrived crisis) to separate americans from their money. Secondly and probably their most important priority is increasing their power and control over the masses. The liberals in the green energy movement literally flood the democraps with heaps and heaps of campaign money. So they have to find a way to enrich themselves, increase their power and cater to their hyper-rich liberal crony donors. Hence, the evils of man caused climate change as though the climate is a static element and only has been altered by the poor decisions and greed of mankind. So hows that going for them...well thanks to the liberal media propaganda we are constantly bombarded with...the average low information voter tends to believe it. Tell a lie enough times and it becomes truth...thats a liberal doctrine. There is an article in the paper today, Huge solar plant see too little sun. Haha...really? Oh my God...the sun doest shine all the time...amazing news. Turns out the solar plant is only producing half the expected output. Ya, too many clouds, jet contrails (that sounds like BS), and weather (yes- news flash... we do have weather here on earth). Heres the best part, you paid for it with a 1.6 Billion dollar federal loan of your hard earned tax dollars. Remember Solendra? You paid for that bankrupt producer of solar panels too. Total cost 2.2 billion, and it covers 5 square miles near the California Nevada desert border. It make only enough power to supply 70,000 homes. Paltry considering the footprint and cost. So oil prices are falling. Ya down to around 70-75 dollars a barrel. Why? Remember A-Hole liberal lying Dem. Jimmy Carter told us in 1972 we were out of oil. Another liberal lie...obviously. What a bunch of liars democraps are...gheeze do they ever tell the truth...ever? Rarely. Anyway, oil is dropping in price why? Free market competition. Liberals hate the free market. Hillary just told us that businesses and corporations dont create jobs Hmmm. Then who does...let me guess...big fat hyper-controlling, hyper regulating government??? Im going to have to call bull shit on Hillary. Remember during one of the last really big oil price hikes...around 2009 or so? Almost 4 dollar gas? Conservatives said drill baby drill Liberals said that wouldnt bring prices down. They said it would take 10 years to have any...ANY effect. Even if we had the oil...we couldnt refine enough to bring gas prices down. Well, sorry more liberal democrat lies. In just a few years no thanks to Obama and his useful idiots, the drilling on private lands (since Obama wont permit to let anyone drill on federal lands) has created such a stir with the Saudis that they blew off OPEC and are pumping oil to beat the band in order to make oil so cheep that we cant make it pay to continue our drilling and production here at home. We conservatives call that free market competition. While I was recently trekking across Northern Spain from St Jean Pied de Port in France to Santiago, Spain... I was amazed at the huge number of wind turbines blotting the landscape. Hundreds and hundreds of those things seemingly on every mountain ridge all around me. Guess what I also noticed. How much they werent turning. Ya no wind. Now I was only walking for just under 6 weeks, but those things were stationary a lot of the time I was plodding along looking at them. What Im getting at here is we common folk all need oil if we like our standard of life. Im all for super science engaging in experimentation in the pursuit of alternative sources of energy. But the liberal hatred for oil is hurting this country. Its hurting our economy, and its hurting people who need a friggin job. People who vote for these lying charlatans think they are voting for folks who represent them. Represent what is best for this country. Sadly the opposite is true. They are in it for the bucks and for their power over us. They will lie and distort and tell you anything to further their terribly destructive agenda. Look at what this Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber just was caught doing for a great example of how these power drunk liberals operate. Lie, distort, cheat, demagogue, lie some more. Just win at all costs. Look, until they can find an alternative energy technology that can fly a 767 or power a locomotive or cargo ship...we need oil. Oh by the way...the liberal Senate yesterday voted against the Keystone XL Pipeline project again. Come January...that should change. Then well see who the party of NO is. Democrats and Liberals are not your friends. Vote them out, and we will put america back to work. Drill baby...DRILL. End the lies and madness...vote out Democrats at every election. THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 21:15:10 +0000

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