Haaha, lemme try this since Im chilling. *Boys Like it up - TopicsExpress


Haaha, lemme try this since Im chilling. *Boys Like it up (Inbox) I must admit _____. [] I think youre awkward... [] I like youre profile picture [] youre stupid [] youre handsome [] youre funny. [] youre cute [] I love you [] I miss you [] youve made me mad before [] you make me smile [] I would hug you [] we should hangout sometimes(: [] I would marry you on fb.. [] how pretty/handsome are you? Youre my [] boo [] you tell me [] I dont know yet, [] Facebook friend [] girlfriend/boyfriend [] you name it [] Bestfriend [] friend [] nothing Would I date you? [] uh, never again.. ._. [] we already dated [] its all up to you [] yes [] no [] maybe [] dont know [] someday soon? If you snuck in my room Id? [] watch movies [] let you stay the night [] cuddle c: [] chill [] nothing [] kick you out [] say, what the heck are you doing? If you kissed me Id [] kiss you back [] be surprised o: [] slap you D: [] we wouldnt [] laugh [] smile/blush [] walk away awkwardly You should? [] fb marry me [] text me [] take pictures with me [] inbox me [] make this as youre status so I can like it [] nothing [] stop being a stranger COPIED**
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 08:10:59 +0000

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