Habakkuk 2:3; “For still the vision awaits its appointed time; - TopicsExpress


Habakkuk 2:3; “For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end- it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.” You may have heard the saying; “If it seems slow, wait for it!” What have you been waiting patiently for? “Biblically, waiting is not just something we have to do until we get what we want. Waiting is part of the process of becoming what God wants us to be” (John Ortberg). Throughout Jesus’ ministry it seems clear that waiting upon the Lord is an important part of our faith, and he gives certain commands that point to living a patient and prayerful life, a life that anticipates God acting in our situation, rather than demanding that we take matters into our own hands. What is interesting is that the Hebrew and Greek words for ‘waiting’ speak of a sense of promise and an expectation that God will show up and act into our situation no matter what. Biblical waiting is not passive but active and, as we wait, it makes us aware of where God is at work, and fine-tunes our spiritual ears to hear the Spirit’s leading. We learn from those throughout biblical history and followers of Christ who have gone before us that waiting is filled with hope and anticipation, expects the unexpected at the least expected time, and, it places its trust in Jesus every step of the way, knowing that God’s timing is very different to ours. During our periods of waiting we are naturally inclined to be confused at how long the wait is, we might doubt God, but, here’s the point of it all, they are unique times of trusting God if you know what to do with them. What are you waiting for? How long have you been waiting? Do you see yourself in this discussion at points? As we said yesterday, issues and situations within our walk with God are not always as they seem using that, being taken through an experience of failure may well be to be taught a valuable lesson that one would never have learnt through a time of success. None different during a season of waiting on the Lord. Biblically, waiting on the Lord is fundamental to our faith. The key during these times is to not wait aimlessly, but apply ourselves in serving God, going deeper in our relationship with Jesus, saturating ourselves in the Word of God, thereby becoming wiser and stronger for the days ahead, and ready to move at the speed of God! I was speaking to someone at a church we visited this past Sunday morning who is disappointed with God. Perhaps you are disappointed with God for delaying something in your life, or not coming through when you thought he should, or maybe in the way you believed he would. If that is you, perhaps God wants you to hear this deep in your heart; “Know this, whilst I am concerned about the destination, I am far more concerned about sharing the journey with you, growing deeper in love with you, and you becoming more like my Son as I continue to mold you into his image. Likewise, I want to show you how to handle your disappointments well, by teaching you to rely on my strength and not your strength.” God wants you to learn from him in the delays, and to draw closer to him during them. Expect delays in life, treasure them, welcome them, knowing that God is maturing you spiritually through the process. This song by John Waller, which I sang at a church recently, speaks volumes in this context. youtube/watch?v=cH9LhNrXhFo
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:56:06 +0000

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