Habakkuk 3:3, 6, 11-13, “His brightness was like the light; He - TopicsExpress


Habakkuk 3:3, 6, 11-13, “His brightness was like the light; He had rays flashing from His hand, And there His power was hidden… He stood and measured the earth; He looked and startled the nations. And the everlasting mountains were scattered, The perpetual hills bowed… The sun and moon stood still in their habitation; At the light of Your arrows they went, At the shining of Your glittering spear. You marched through the land in indignation; You trampled the nations in anger. You went forth for the salvation of Your people, For salvation with Your Anointed. You struck the head from the house of the wicked, By laying bare from foundation to neck.” Romans 11:26, “And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: ‘The Deliverer will come out of Zion, And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob’” Daniel 7:27, “Then the sovereignty, the dominion and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One; His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all the dominions will serve and obey Him.” Many in the Church today have been taught that most of Revelation is yet to happen in the future, but the fact of the matter is that much of what John saw has already taken place and is in the process of taking place right now, today. Although the Islamic world has been in a relative “cocoon-like” state for much of the 20th century since the Islamic Caliphate received its mortal “head wound” in 1924, a new phase in its metamorphosis is now being revealed as it heals. But what is emerging, however, is far from beautiful. Though there are many who recognize that the Islamist ideology espoused by Al Qaeda and its ilk has metastasized since 9/11 throughout the Muslim world, the call to reality has unfortunately fallen largely on the deaf ears of Western leadership, both secular and Christian. Nations can fight against armies, against a foe that is well defined, but a religious ideology that recognizes no borders, no limits, no definition of peace apart from its own is an ideology that no nation will ever defeat, and an ideology that will continue to become more mainstream in the Islamic world each and every day until its fiery end at the epiphany of Christ Jesus in power and great glory: 2 Thessalonians 2:8, “And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming”
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 18:33:25 +0000

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