Habit Four – Think Win/Win: I understand that when I step - TopicsExpress


Habit Four – Think Win/Win: I understand that when I step away from independence into interdependence, I step into a leadership role. I am now in the position of influencing other people, and the habit of effective interpersonal leadership is to think win/win. Win/win is one of six paradigms of interaction. The others are win/lose, lose/win, lose/lose, win, or win or no deal. Win/Win means that all agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial and satisfying. Win/win sees life as a cooperative, rather than competitive arena. Win/Win understands that there is a better, higher way. Win/Lose believes that for one side to succeed, the other must lose. It focuses on life as a competitive venture. Lose/Win is the product of trying to please anyone at all costs, even if it means giving up on your own goals. Lose/Lose arises when two stubborn people conflict and are so determined to get their own way that they would rather they both lose than one get an inch. Thinking Win, meanwhile, is to focus solely on my own victory without giving a thought to the other person in the equation. Every paradigm applies to different situation, but in most situations, win/win is the only truly viable alternative of the five. Win/Win allows both sides to focus on a mutual goal and work together to reach it. Far more is accomplished when I work with someone rather than against them. The sixth option, win/win or no deal, means that I work with someone towards a mutual goal and try to reach a conclusion where we both win. However, if we cannot reach a mutual solution, we agree to walk away. With this out available, we are free of expectations and do not feel the pressure to manipulate each other or to push our own agenda. We can be open and try to understand what is driving each other. Thinking win/win is the habit of interpersonal leadership, and is driven by five unique dimensions of life that relate to each other. The first foundation is character, and everything else builds on this foundation. The three character traits essential to the win/win paradigm are integrity, maturity, and a mentality of abundance. Integrity allows me to know what constitutes a true win. Maturity helps me find a balance between courage and consideration. The abundance mentality helps me keep in mind at all times that there is enough for both of us to be happy. These character traits then lead in to relationships, the second dimension of life. Only by having a foundation of trust and a strong emotional bank account can I come to the table with honesty and openness. When both partners bring a strong emotional bank account to the table, we are ready to deal honestly and fairly. The third dimension is agreements. From relationships flow the agreements that give definition and direction to win/win. In a win/win agreement, both parties agree on desired results, guidelines, resources, accountability, and consequences. Trust and mutual responsibility is the key to a win/win agreement. Proper management training is key to establishing the mindset needed to effectively carry out win/win agreements. The focus in a win/win agreement is on results rather than methods, and people in a win/win agreement evaluate themselves. As such, a performance agreement that both sides agree to is key to an effective win/win agreement. Finally, a win/win agreement can only survive in an organization when the systems support it. I know that I get what I reward. Thus, I must make sure that the systems surrounding any win/win agreement support a win/win mentality. To achieve the goals in my mission statement, the reward system must reflect my principles. Competition has its place in the marketplace, but cooperation is the key to interdependent relationships. There is a four step process to seeking a win/win solution. First, I see the problem from the other person’s point of view. Then, I identify the key issues and concerns involved. Third, I determine what results would constitute a fully acceptable solution. Finally, I identify new options to achieve those results. I want to take advantage of the potential for mutual benefit that win/win solutions offer. I am ready to see any conflict that arises from a win/win perspective and seek the solution that will be mutually satisfactory to all parties. The above was taken directly from the app ~NEW ANDROID RELEASE! Franklin Coveys The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Hero Notes Audiobook APP The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People chapters have been condensed into only the core principles for a quick, precise and focused listening and learning experience. Use Hero Notes AUDIOS as an accelerated learning aid, a tool to help you understand the principles of the book. We have included the chapter TEXT so you can follow along with the narrator or just read the key principles of the book whenever you please. Download Today! Android Link: https://play.google/store/apps/details?id=com.bizooku.the7habits iPhone Link: bit.ly/1g5Sag3 #leadership #success #goals #life #StephenCovey #7Habits #Principles #Paradigms #meditative #ibm #microsoft #oracle #cisco #google #facebook #wallstreet
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 01:59:03 +0000

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