Hackers from Anonymous, an international network of hacktivists, - TopicsExpress


Hackers from Anonymous, an international network of hacktivists, have posted a letter in which Angela Merkel’s associates ask US special services to wiretap her political opponents Western media have for years been building up Angela Merkel as a new iron lady, transforming her on paper into Europe’s most powerful politician, year after year including her in the lists of the world’s most influential women. In reality, this hype is beneficial to a power that has placed the European continent under its complete and absolute control. This is not about Germany. There are 287 (!!!) US military bases in Germany, so there is no reason to speak about Merkel as an independent politician influencing global international processes in the interest of the German people. In the past few years, the chancellor has faced extensive criticism over her decisions that are in conflict with Germany’s national interests. These include subsidies to Eurozone countries in financial trouble out of the pockets of ordinary Germans and a controversial immigration policy that undermines the state’s internal stability. Many Germans also criticize Merkel for her policy of double standards with regard to Ukraine and Crimea, which has soured relations with Russia and caused serious losses for German companies operating on the Russian market. Meanwhile, it is obvious even to an outsider that for some reason Merkel’s actions only benefit the United States. Following Edward Snowden’s revelations that Washington ran a massive electronic surveillance operation in Germany, in particular monitoring Merkel’s cellphone conversations, some international policy experts suggested that it was a result of the pro-US activity by the chancellor “hooked” by the Americans. Meanwhile, the recent revelations by Anonymous hackers show that the situation is far more complicated. Merkel in effect cut a deal with Barack Obama in exchange for the possibility of using US technical intelligence assets against her opponents in the country. Hackers posted a letter from US Defense Attache to Berlin Colonel Gregory Broecker to the chancellor’s security adviser Christoph Heusgen, saying that the US was prepared to fulfill its part of the agreements reached earlier between Merkel and Joe Biden. It is noteworthy that several days after the letter arrived, German prosecutors dropped the case about the tapping of the chancellors’ phones for lack of evidence. It’s anybody’s guess how many of Merkel’s political opponents appeared on the US special services’ radar. Incidentally, this explains many events in Germany’s internal political situation that have played out in the past few years. For example, the defeat of Frank-Walter Steinmeier, an advocate of better relations with Moscow, in the race for the chancellor’s office in 2009. It also makes clear how Merkel exerted pressure on Peer Steinbrück, who sought the post last year. Somehow, the media learned about all of his family problems, meetings and affairs. As a result, Steinbrück not only lost to Merkel but announced the end of his political career. We will probably never know how many other politicians, businessmen and journalists were blackmailed and pressured by the US puppet in the office of the federal chancellor, armed with gigabytes of sleaze. In a certain sense, Merkel is indeed more effective than Napoleon, in the words of Federal Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble: It is impossible to imagine such complete political, economic and information control over an entire continent during the First French Empire (1804-1815)! What is even more tragic is that this is being done not by a European power for the benefit of a single Europe, but by a section of the German political elite, closely supervised by the United States, to the detriment of their country and other European nations. So, in terms of upholding European interests, I would still prefer Napoleon.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 23:08:15 +0000

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