Had Enough of ObamaCare: You Ain’t Heard Nothin’ Yet! THE - TopicsExpress


Had Enough of ObamaCare: You Ain’t Heard Nothin’ Yet! THE BEST IS YET TO COME, STAND BY !!! ----------------------------------------------------------------- With all the spin, fallacies, half-truths, and a few facts thrown in regarding the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, aka ObamaCare, readers probably have not heard some of the more egregious stories making the rounds. Before I’m castigated for not liking ObamaCare, let me say that back in the 1980s and ‘90s I was working for affordable and effective healthcare for everyone in the USA, long before Mr. Obama came on the political scene. Anyone with half a brain understood, even back then, that we needed healthcare reform, but not healthcare destruction! The number one issue I have with ObamaCare is how it was passed into law. I contend it was passed under duress, i.e., Nancy Pelosi’s “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it.” That’s downright ILLEGAL! Why did Congress fall for such arm twisting, ploy, and deceit? When parties don’t know the full facts, or information is kept from them during negotiations, according to contract law that contract is not valid and is non-negotiable. On that fact alone, the U.S. Supreme Court should have ‘displayed’ certain parts of the male anatomy to reject ObamaCare when it came up before it, instead of reclassifying it as a “tax.” SCOTUS’s ruling is something that many legal minds question. Congress initiates, passes/enacts, and modifies legislation. The second issue I have with ObamaCare is how it’s being manipulated by the White House when only Congress should be initiating changes to that unfortunate law. Apparently, there is total disregard for that branch of government by the sitting POTUS. Why is Obama so at odds with Congress? Wasn’t he the one who ran on a platform that his administration would be the most transparent administration, all while having Washington work better? To elucidate on that point, the Cato Institute produced the paper, “The Promise That Keeps on Breaking.” The Hill blog posted this ominous report March 19th, “Issa steers Oversight back to ObamaCare” along with sending a five-page letter regarding Healthcare.gov security concerns. Congress needs to get down to the bottom of the ObamaCare fiasco. However, if no one wants to ‘talk’ or surrender requested information, maybe waterboarding tactics ought to be used; what do you think? I’m one who does not believe in violence, but enough is enough already with this ObamaCare ‘racketeering’ BS. After all, the CIA used waterboarding on others to get information, maybe it will work to get ObamaCare information that’s needed in order to get on with no longer disenfranchising previously insured individuals from their insurance plans or doctors—between five and six million to date. Furthermore, what kind of health insurance program is ObamaCare when only about five million supposedly have signed on—we don’t know how many have paid premiums to date—whereas 44 million un-insureds were the targets to get health insurance? What kind of cockamamie health insurance game plan is that? But, that’s not all. Listen up! The third issue with ObamaCare I have is that insurance premiums are going to SOAR as soon as the mid-term elections in November are in the history books. According to The Hill blog, Jon Gruber, who also helped design the Affordable Care Act, said, “The bottom line is that we just don’t know. Premiums were rising 7 to 10 percent a year before the law. So the question is whether we will see a continuation of that sort of single digit increase, as Sebelius said, or whether it will be larger.” [….] Political operatives will be watching premium increases this summer, most notably in states where there are contested Senate races. In Iowa, which hosts the first presidential caucus in the nation and has a competitive Senate race this year, rates are expected to rise 100 percent on the exchange and by double digits on the larger, employer-based market, according to a recent article in the Business Record. [1] [CJF emphasis added] There’s an aphorism that goes like this: “If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s gotta be a duck.” Interpolating that to ObamaCare, if it looks like a scam, operates like a scam, and advertises like a scam, it’s gotta be a scam! Why can’t Democrats who voted for it and citizens demand ObamaCare be repealed? There are numerous—too many to mention—other problems with ObamaCare. However, just to mention one, in particular, is how senior citizens are being treated under ACA dictates [2], which should be trashed immediately. Actually, and in my opinion, ObamaCare provides absolute disrespect for the elderly sick and their quality of life. Seniors deserve better than that! They paid the freight on this country all their working lives. The Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics published online “Obamacare Routes to Rationing” wherein these points are discussed: How Obamacare’s “Excess Benefits” Tax Will Prevent Health Insurance from Keeping Up with Medical Inflation How Insurance Exchanges Are Limiting Your Ability to Use Your Own Money to Save Your Family Members’ Lives Medicare: How Obamacare Limits Senior Citizens’ Ability to Use Your Own Money to Save Your Own Lives How Obamacare Will Limit What Health Care Providers Can Do to Save the Lives of Your Family Members [3] As Judge Andrew Napolitano points out, the U.S. government mismanages the U.S. Post Office, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid – and those programs are BROKE! Why give the feds something else to muck up, especially healthcare in the USA, which was one of the best—if not the best—in the world until Mr. Obama with his fancy mouth work (lies) came on the scene. But the piece-de-resistance regarding Obama-style health initiatives, according to The Washington Times, is this: Michelle Obama may have pushed the White House pastry chef a bit too far with her constant requests to replace fatty foods like cream and butter with lower-calorie options: He’s quit, calling the decision “bittersweet,” various media reported. [2] To quote WH Pastry Chef Bill Yosses, “I don’t want to demonize cream, butter, sugar and eggs.” Even though I’m a natural nutritionist who does not support high calorie desserts, I’m glad to see someone finally stand up for what he believes in. Chef Yosses has my admiration because he took a stand for something he found objectionable to him, which most U.S. citizens are not doing with regard to ObamaCare, especially members of Congress and the Supreme Court who, in my humble opinion, should know better. But then, maybe we ought to be asking if Archie Bunker had the Democrats sized up correctly? activistpost/2014/03/had-enough-of-obamacare-you-aint-heard.html
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 15:13:28 +0000

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