Had a brill time on Lynda Renhams page, thank you so much, my - TopicsExpress


Had a brill time on Lynda Renhams page, thank you so much, my darlings for supporting me. Your questions were thought provoking, funny, and a great selection. I had great fun and some good memories were evoked. Some didnt seem all that good when they were happening - making coat dolls when friends at school had lovely pot ones with glistening, blinking, long-lashed eyes, and said, mama when turned over, but looking back, they were good. They made you think out of the box and use your imagination - something that has stood me in good stead. Then there were the peg-dolls. They were made out of the clothes pegs that were really just smooth piece of wood, split along its length and had a piece of metal binding about half an inch from the top, leaving a round bit on the top. This became the dolls head and you painted a face on it and made it some hair out of scraps of wool, which you glued on. Another peg of the same kind was pushed sideways through it. This made arms, and the split of the first peg became the legs. Then we would knit clothes for our peg-dolls, and love them to pieces - ah, happy times. Also I remembered, the way home delivery, really meant that. Everything came to your door in vans, always by jolly men who loved their job - Baker, butcher, green-grocer - paraffin man, and yes, the dreaded Tally man. Rent was collected, and coal delivered. Toilets were emptied, and then along would come the man from the council to inspect your house. Wooden tables were essential, as was a long cloth covering it. This would be the hiding place if you hadnt got the rent money, or couldnt pay the Tally man, haha... And every day the music of the ice-cream van would ring out, and you longed to be the lucky one standing with a penny and getting a huge cornet. Instead of just having a lick of your friends one. But then there were red letter days, like the day the meter man came to empty the electric, or telly meter and there was a surplus...Ooh the joy of standing in the queue when the ice cream man came then haha. But nothing beats the day when we came home from school and as we alighted from the bus and walked towards home, mum called out, Ive won the pools! My heart flipped with joy - no more poverty, no more going to school in pumps (plimsoles) with holes in them, ha, I could see the Rolls Royce that would pcik me up at the school gate - no more being rigged for not having the things the others had. But, bless her, I think shed won something like £4.5s haha. But, what a time we had. Mum had bought a bottle of Raspberry Cream Soda, and when the ice cream man came she bought a bowl full. and made us all an ice-cream soda! Delicious. Loved licking out the glass. Then we all dressed up and went to the pictures in the village hall. Wonderful! Love you all xxx
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 06:33:40 +0000

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