Had a decent day today, even though Karen just cant shake her - TopicsExpress


Had a decent day today, even though Karen just cant shake her fever. Cultures show a slight infection, and they began treating it with broad-spectrum antibiotics. The good news about her having fever is that her body is doing the fighting — and they were able to control it fairly well with just tylenol (no cooling blanket). PRAY SHE STOPS HAVING FEVER ONCE AND FOR ALL! The gal continues to breathe more and more on her own, which is AWESOME! Today, one of her doctors said hed like to begin weaning her off such reliance on the respirator — but hed like for her to be over her fever so her body doesnt have to work so hard. He also said he likes to take two to three weeks to get people off a respirator, so well see. With THAT said, our timeframe to return to the USA is unknown. Every doctor says something different, and I have MY opinions, as well. I wish I could say for sure when well be back, but Karens safety is TOP priority. The good thing is that — to quote one of her doctors — we have progress daily. Her neurosurgeon also said shes improving every day. Sooner rather than later is my hope. Personally, Im pretty wiped out, to be honest. This is nothing short of a living nightmare to experience — and one coupled with my own hospitalization and continued recovery. Theres also this undercurrent of getting her back home to the doctors that will be her real caregivers. It adds to the stress. I dont feel settled or in place. I find that Im more aware of the things the different nurses do that *could* be done better. I find it can be easy to nitpick. Ive kept it in check or handled it properly so far, thank goodness. But Im worn. I want to spend more time with Karen, but by 7:30pm, my foot is so swollen it just hurts too bad. Hopefully Ill heal-up soon, then I can be with her longer. Tonight, just the two of us, sang songs together again. It was fun. :) Pray for continued steps in the right direction, for ALL infections and fever to leave Karens body, and that Id get to where I can be with Karen more SOON. And be sure to thank the LORD for the mercy Hes extended so far — and ask Him to continue doing so until were back running around on tuk tuks in Cambodia like were supposed to be.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 14:08:04 +0000

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