Had a fun experience with my first Anderson Parade tonight! - TopicsExpress


Had a fun experience with my first Anderson Parade tonight! Enjoyed the event and was glad to see a large supportive crowd. Very proud of how well the kids played. I thought Id take a second and share my favorite moment of the whole event. It was when this heavy set older gal came running into the street at Brad and me screaming while the band was playing Scotland the Brave. At first, I thought she was cheering us on, but then I noticed the expression on her face, the Red AHS Indians jacket, and the missing teeth. I then began to comprehend what she was yelling. It went a little something like this, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson INDIANS, not HIGHLANDERS! I could only smile, wave, and say Thank you in response as I held back the laughter. She reminded me of the hag in The Princess Bride. (See Accompanying video.) Next year, when others are handing out candy and treats to kids, Ill remember to bring some little tubes of toothpaste and bars of soap to hand out to anyone that thinks theyre going to jump in the street and pick on MY kids. Great job tonight Highlanders! youtube/watch?v=74GdZs2Ilk4
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 03:31:47 +0000

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