Had a fun time walking in the supernatural on our short visit to - TopicsExpress


Had a fun time walking in the supernatural on our short visit to South Florida and Bahamas. God so loves people. We had several God incidents but the first one was when we were sitting in a hot tub and struck up a conversation with a young newly wed couple, who, God showed me very quickly, were Mormons. So being the ever shrewd one that I am, I began to ask curiosity questions about their religion while simply mentioning I was a part of what I called the more mainstream part of Christianity. They were happy to tell us what they believed and I built rapport by complementing them on the good parts of their religion. (family values, etc) I then eventually hit the real issue, who Jesus really is - God who became a man, or a man who became a God. We very cordially agreed that therein lie the issue where we differed. We continued to converse a little longer, then told them I believe we can hear Gods voice and that prophecy is simply God talking to somebody through somebody. I then proceeded to tell them that my version of Jesus wanted to heal her of the blood deficiencies and issues in her blood. Quite shocked, they quickly let us know she had blood sugar issues and was diabetic and would let us pray for her. I prayed in the name of Jesus who created all things, and afterward they were very happy to have met us. They wont forget that incident soon,. God really loves people and wants Himself known. Then there was the elderly lady who passed out, two tables over from us, in the cafeteria and went into drooling seizures. It was shocking. She lost all conscience and began to turn ashen gray while her husband didnt know what to do and began to call for medical emergency personnel. My conversation with God went something like this, God, I cant help but think you put us here very strategically to do something about this, so what should I do? Should I walk over, put my hands on her head and in a moment of dramatic showmanship pronounce her healed in the name of Jesus or should I deal with this quietly and under my breath from my own table? The Lord said do it quietly and watch what happens. I verbalized my prayer quietly from my table right about the time the EM personal arrived. But before they could do anything she suddenly came too, her speech became fluid, her color came back and there was nothing she needed from them. Glad I was there. God so loves people.
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 21:33:22 +0000

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