Had a good evening. After our two mini guests went home & my girl - TopicsExpress


Had a good evening. After our two mini guests went home & my girl went to bed I cuddled the boy in our bed & watched cartoons until he passed out. Had a chat with my sister Cassandra & was given my wedding anniversary gift a little early. I wanted a fancy new sewing machine and set a goal to put 5.00 per paycheck back until I had enough. Admittedly this was going to take awhile! My husband, thinking that this was a good goal decided to do what he could to help me. Total cost of the machine with tax is 205.31... I had 40.00 from paychecks & 5.00 from my grandmother for helping her. DL had already put in 50.00 for some bicycles and other odds & ends he had sold then another 75.00 for a chest freezer sold. Well tonight he made up the rest of the difference with money he has made doing yard work for a few different people the past few weeks. I just feel so very appreciative of the work he put in to make my goal a reality! Then our friend Alicia Blawn agreed to watch our kids so we can go out and celebrate our anniversary Tuesday, and yesterday my sister Cass gave me such an amazing compliment it brought me to tears. All this after being so well recieved at work when I stopped in for my cushion has left me feeling incredibly blessed and almost overwhelmed by the love Ive been shown. Thank you to all that have contributed to this wonderful feeling. :)
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 04:42:55 +0000

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