Had a huge scare last night. I had taken Ash and Jada to the hotel - TopicsExpress


Had a huge scare last night. I had taken Ash and Jada to the hotel so they could swim and then eat dinner while my mom sat with Devin. While the girls were swimming I called to check on Devin and my mom could barely talk, but told me to get back to the hospital fast! When I walked in the room there were 4 nurses and 2 nurse managers hovering over Devins bed. When I laid eyes on her my knees went weak and I was frozen with panic. She had an oxygen mask on, her mouth was swollen and blue, her eyes were blood red and completely glassed over, her skin was flushed in places and grey everywhere else, monitor alarms were going off and she was twitching/jerking so hard the bed was moving. My mom said she was sitting up coloring while she was getting her chemo and she asked for her nurse because she was feeling weird. Mom called for the nurse and within seconds the room was full! Devin couldnt breath and was unresponsive. They immediately stopped chemo and went to work. They arent sure what happened, they think it was several things going on at once, but it was scary. The doctors are suppose to meet this morning to discuss everything and then decide what to do next. We are so close to the end, but this disease isnt giving up without a fight. She is better this morning. She is still a bit off and doesnt really remember much about what happened last night. Im very anxious to hear what conclusion the doctors come to.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 12:35:13 +0000

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