Had a massive panic today, got the diaries out of the draw and - TopicsExpress


Had a massive panic today, got the diaries out of the draw and diary number 14 was missing :( after hours of searching the house I found it :) so glad i did as it has this great poem in it. “Springs song” “What is spring, what is its meaning and what does it convey to us the mere children of poor mortals. To use we think it is a time for great rejoicing, when our hopes sore voluntarily upwards and our fears and misgivings pass away. To us we think that life is worth living, indeed, that Spring installs within us new life and pleasant dreams of approaching happiness and contentment. To us we think how much in truth there is to live for and fresh and nobler aspirations fill our thoughts and hearts. But to what do we owe so much for all this and to whom are we so deeply indebted for such renewed awakening, which at this time enters deeply into our souls but one only in all the year. Honestly we cannot congratulate ourselves, for souls that lie dormant only to be awakened by Springs song through the graciousness of the mother of nature and by the love and tenderness of sweet nature herself, we feel bound to admit that in the world of God’s creation we are by no means foremost but only form a part in the great work of the creator. When in the reposeful slumber and quiet peacefulness of the night watch, the Nightingale in a labour of pure love makes sweeter still the hours of peace to all who will or won’t at break of day, a spectacle most wonderful is unfolded. The air, the fields, the woods, the hills and valley all unite and with one accord salute in happy friendly greeting the monarch of the universe, with joyous song and pleasant smiles, which acclaim beyond all doubt the fervid genuineness in the love of life, which is the soul of nature. There is not a flower both great and small nor a leaf or blade of grass, that fails in obedient felicity to greet with smiling gratitude and pure delight the object of this universal homage and yearning adoration. The vast concourse of the pretty feathered world combine with jubilation overflowing in their little hearts to herald with a morning hymn of praise to the new born day and never has and never will the ears of man hear finer music than that which is so gloriously rendered by this heavenly choir of little angels. Here then is that to which we owe our all, the appealing notes that swell the morning breeze cannot fail to thrill and drive away our cares, for here and these and none but these are Christians pure and true, who know no guile and live as all should live and die as they have lived, an unspotted, untarnished, heroic band of little martyrs. Then too from the very bosom of fair nature the lessons of life, which we do never learn are known all by heart from birth by everything that lives and breathes, and in the sparkling blossoms, which crown and glorify the distant woods or be thickly clustered in beauteous dales and valley, we who are but the poorest of poor mortals do see and yet do not, that there a least life and love are not misunderstood. How much happier we should be if but our lives were such as these, they live and are happy and only die but to live again.”
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 19:07:59 +0000

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