Had a shift change of staff both yesterday & today. Yesterday, - TopicsExpress


Had a shift change of staff both yesterday & today. Yesterday, Ivan & Lydia went back home to Arctic Bay & in their place came in Evie Kilabuk & Leonie. Today, we lose Paul Peters, David Ross Aqpik Pugh, and Gaetan Gauvin. To replace them we get Ray Lovell, Stan Gilbutowicz, and Michael Draper!! We had a good night of very productive work, lots of laughs, a few hiccups, but all in all it was a great night.Before my shift, I had dinner with one of my camp friends Randy, from Newfoundland. I put my plate on the table & got up to go bet a glass of water. When I got to the water dispenser, I noticed that it was almost empty. So, being the helpful person that I try to be, I decided to fill up the 4 chambers on the dispenser. I shut off the machine, took off the lids, turned the spout down & opened the valve. It started off OK, until the quickly flowing water hit the front of the dispenser, sprayed up the front inside wall & sprayed down the front of my shirt. I started to giggle, being very thankful that the dining room was relatively empty(only 6 people & 4 staff) all the while a thought kept running through my mind,Please dont let me pull a Gaetan, PLEASE dont let me embarass myself in front of these people by pulling a Gaetan! WELL, it happened in a SPECTACULARLY FABULOUS WAY!! I pulled a Gaetan!! When I went to fill up the 2nd water dispenser, I turned the hose the wrong way, inadvertently OPENING the flow valve instead!! WELL, LET ME TELL YOU!! It was a dang good thing there were so few people in the dining hall, beccause the water didnt just spray up into the air &spew down onto my head(Gaetan style) I had to up one him. It sprayed FULL OPEN, up & across the dining room to the second row of tables(nobody there) soaking the floor, a few leather chairs & the table. I was laughing so hard & must have sounded like a LOON!! Meanwhile, everyone realizes what is going on, & breaks out laughing!! Thank God Paul Peters, was there & jumped into the fray,& started mopping up the water so I could go & eat my semi-cold dinner!! AND to top things off, sat back & ate my dinner & realized I had forgotten my glass of water!!But we had a few good laughs about it all during dinner though!! LMAO!! Never a dull moment at the Mine Weather Haven Camp. Have a great day everyone, & hope you enjoyed my rather wet story!! ;)
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 14:53:41 +0000

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