(Had a writers itch at 3am last night while looking at the - TopicsExpress


(Had a writers itch at 3am last night while looking at the complete set of GvG cards. Thus I present to you...) 9 (gimmicky) GVG DECK IDEAS TO TRY OUT (and only 2 of them are mech-based) [Caveat: Im not proposing full decklists, just deck ideas. Like any new deck idea, you need to actually build it and test it several times before you can come up with a fully working deck list....if the idea works at all] 1. Mill Druid - Probably useless against an aggro deck, but may be good in a control matchup (e.g. in tournament setting). Core Cards: Tree of Life, Malorne, Recycle, Clockwork Giant, Mechanical Yeti, Goblin Sapper, Grove Tender, Mukla, Lorewalker Cho, Coldlight Oracle, Naturalize. Other possible cards: Mech Bear Cat, Dancing Swords, Poison Seeds, Starfall, Moonfire, Gadgetzan Auctioneer, Exposive Sheep, Abomination, Bite, Claw, Healing Touch, Deathwing 2. Control Hunter - If the only beasts in deck cost 5 and above, can Call Pet be a useful card? Also, its about time we try to build a deck with King Krush Core Cards: Gadzrilla, King Krush, King of Beasts, Savannah Highmane, Steamwheedle Sniper, Call Pet, Gladiators Longbow, Multishot, Deadly shot, Hunters Mark Other possible cards: Explosive Shot, Cobra Shot, Starving Buzzard, Unleash the Hounds, Beastial Wrath, Eaglehorn Bow, Freezing Trap, Snake Trap, Mad Scientist, Illuminator, Antique Healbot, Unstable Ghoul, Acolyte of Pain, Wild Pyromancer 3. Deathrattle Mech Mage - Just building a deck around Flame Leviathan actually, and this was the only one which made sense Core Cards: Flame Leviathan, Explosive Sheep, Abomination, Mimirons Head, Undertaker, Nerubian Egg, Harvest Golem, Clockwork Gnome, Piloted Shredder, Piloted Sky Golem, Sneeds Old Shredder, Dr Boom, Goblin Blastmage, Baron Rivendare, Other possible cards: Echo of Medvih, Wee Spellstopper, Flame Cannon, Leper Gnome, Loot Hoarder, Sludge Belcher, Duplicate, Deathwing, Junkbot 4. Token Pally - clearly Blizzard wants us to try this one right? Core Cards: Cult Master, Muster for Battle, Quartermaster, Bolvar Fordragon, Equality, Sword of Justice, Avenge, Sea Giant Other possible Cards: Onyxia, Frostwolf Warlord, Stormwind Champion, Dire Wolf Alpha, Defender of Argus, Imp Master, Raid Leader, Haunted Creeper, Echoing Ooze 5. Aggro (Mech) Priest - I tried to build an Aggro Priest without Mechs, but realized that Mechs are too good to be left out Core Cards: Lightwarden, Light of the Naaru, Mind Blast, Shadowbomber, Shadowboxer, Voljin, Lightspawn, Jeeves Other possible cards: Fel Reaver, Cultmaster, Cog Master, Micromachine, Mechwarper, Tinkertown Technician, Enhance-o-Mechano, Piloted Shredder, Mimirons Head, Earthen Ring Farseer, Witch Doctor, Northshire Cleric, Circle of Healing, Shadowform, Auchenai Priest 6. Pirate Rogue - clearly Blizzard wants us to try this Core cards: all pirates (except maybe Bloodsaild Corsair), Ships Cannon, Deadly Poison, Blade Flurry Other possible cards: Assassins Blade, Blingtron 3000, Sabotage, Harrison Jones, Goblin Auto Barber, Trade Prince Gallywix, Antique Healbot, Tinkers Sharpsword Oil, Cogmasters Wrench, Spiteful Smith 7. Shaman Murloc - clearly Blizzard also wants us to try this Core cards: Neptulon, Stiflin Spiritwalker, Old Murk Eye, Murloc Tidecaller, Murloc Warleader, Coldlight Seer, Coldlight Oracle, Other possible cards, Puddlestomper, other Murlocs, Bloodlust, Feral Spirit, Annoy-o-Tron, Jeeves, Elite Tauren Chieftian, windfury 8. Demonlock Revisited - clearly Blizzard wants us to try Demonlocks again Core cards: Voidwalker, Voidcaller, Voidterror, Mistress of Pain, Malganis, Jaraxxrus, Floating Watcher, Doomguard, Flame Imp Other possible cards: Dread Infernal, Illidan Stormrage, Nerubian Egg, Demonheart, Imp-plosion, Demonfire, Sacrificial Pact, Antique Healbot 9. Mid-range Enrage Warrior - GvG has some interesting tweaks for Control Warrior, but I want to revisit an old theme instead Core Cards: Warbot, Amani Berserker, Raging Worgen, Frothing Berserker, Deaths Bite, Crush, Execute, Battle Rage, Spiteful Smith, Cruel Taskmater, Other possible cards: Rampage, Inner Rage, Whirlwind, Grommash Hellscream, Acolyte of Pain, Armoursmith, Brawl, Bouncing Blade, Antique Healbot, Jeeves, Korkron Elite, Mad Bomber, Madder Bomber, Charge, Warsong Commander, Meckginner Thermaplug, Dr Boom, Bomb Lobber, Goblin Sapper tl;dr 1. Mill Druid 2. Control Hunter 3. Deathrattle Mech Mage 4. Token Pally 5. Aggro Mech Priest 6. Pirate Rogue 7. Shaman Murloc 8. Demonlock 9. Mid-Range Enrage Warrior Thanks for reading! Hope theres something worth talking about here.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 03:31:19 +0000

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