Had an AMAZING night. I feel so healed and blessed this evening. - TopicsExpress


Had an AMAZING night. I feel so healed and blessed this evening. As I walked the downtown streets of Denver tonight, I was reflecting on this past year, My heart has learned (or relearned) some VERY valuable lessons over that time. -Ive learned that my discernment still works very well. And honestly, sometimes I wished it didnt. It forecasted a lot of pain heading my way. - Ive learned that seeing a Phycologist regularly isnt just good for troubled people... In fact, it helped me not go crazy. I guess we are all a little troubled. -Ive learned I can still grow as a person. -I have learned that giving second, third, and even forth chances doesnt always fix peoples character or hearts. - Ive learned that even people who say publicly that they despise you, will still seek you out for assistance when they are in need or distress. This proves your worth... And disproves their disease of disdain. - Ive learned what boundaries are...and how to set them correctly. - Ive learned that looking in on, or back, at those who have exited your life is stupid. It never helps... so never do it. I work hard to pay attention to my own world. -Ive learned that time corrects the lies others spread. People believe what they want. But the people who matter to you always discover the truth. -Ive learned that the lies told about me are often not as bad as the truth about those telling them. -Ive learned there are several types of abuse. And Ive learned that even people who look sweet and kind can fall into one of these abusive personalities. - Ive learned to truly not care about what I cannot change. -Ive learned to pursue my dreams again. And boy did that pay off! - Ive learned that being close to negative people can hold you back in more ways than you could ever know. You find that out when they arent around anymore and things take off for you. -Ive learned that even people you have cared for deeply can evolve into people who sink so low that they actually hope for your earthly departure... And then voice that feeling to you and others. It doesnt necessarily make them bad... Just really broken. -Ive learned that everyone can choose to evolve into a better or worse person. The choice is always ours alone. -Ive learned that if the people around you cannot celebrate your successes... They are rooting for your failure. -Ive learned how to trust people again. - Ive learned what Gods favor feels like. -Ive learned that Im not as bad a person as some say I was. -Ive learned Im not as great a person as some say I was. -Ive learned to bet on myself again... Even when Im on a losing streak. -Ive learned that drive, humility, and confidence can coexist. -Ive learned that I am not good at playing the victim... Even when Ive been victimized. - Ive learned to forgive completely. And then repeat it again the next day. -Ive learned that some friends turn out to be wolves. And some wolves turn out to be your truest friends. -Ive learned how to be completely poor and broke again, and still come through for others. Even for those who dont deserve my help at all. -Ive learned that people who are willing to work very hard dont stay down long. - Ive learned so much about (and from) my children. And they are my heroes. - Ive learned that laughter is truly the best medicine. It healed and freed me in very real ways. -Ive learned to look forward to firsts again. First kisses. First dates. First adventures. Firsts are still SO MUCH FUN. -Ive learned to live again by learning new things, Dancing, cooking, book clubs, film groups, wine classes, learning a new language and poker tournaments. Ive dabbled in all of these and more. They remind me that life is in front of me... Not behind. -Ive learned to become part of a family for the first time. And its awesome! -Ive learned that I had many more friends than I imagined. -Ive learned that my life is still so full of potential. And Im not going to waste it. ... and Ive learned to see the beauty in each day. I know its sounds cliché... But Its true. Each day truly is a gift from God... ... I hope we all unwrap it fully!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 07:33:27 +0000

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