Had an awesome morning this morning in Play Dough Land even if the - TopicsExpress


Had an awesome morning this morning in Play Dough Land even if the kids did give me a heart attack!!! One of my greatest fears in Play Dough Land is to run out of Play Dough, and while it has happened a few times that all the monsters eggs have been collected there has always been enough Play Dough to go around and sometimes the monsters even manage to lay a few more during the session :) But today we were not far into the session when i saw a little guy emerge from the cave, sad faced and empty handed, so i peeked in and noticed the nests were EMPTY!!! I looked at the Play Dough table, I looked at Play Dough Land, I looked everywhere and couldnt work out where all that Play Dough couldve gone so quickly. I know that sometimes the children eat a little, but this couldnt account for this much! Usually at this moment i come across some enterprising 4yo with the worlds biggest Play Dough alien underway, but no such delight today.... it had just disappeared! I had seriously started to worry about my ability to judge the Play Dough needed for 20 kids when a Mum came down from the fort saying....are you missing some eggs? he he he... It seemed that a couple of children had decided they themselves were little monsters and they were guarding the eggs :) yes ALLLLLLLL the eggs!! It was an impressive effort to have carried them all up there, and they did look like a beautiful treasure lying in the nest they had made. When i told them the Play Dough monsters were having a little panic attack as they couldnt lay enough Play Dough eggs for all the kids to play with, they happily relinquished there stash back into circulation. ahhhh..crisis averted...faith in my Play Dough Lady predictive powers restored :D :D :D
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 02:25:32 +0000

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