Had an awesome time in town with my son yesterday. Josh and myself - TopicsExpress


Had an awesome time in town with my son yesterday. Josh and myself exchanged wild foraged mushrooms with me taking a load of organic produce from the garden and getting a bottle of Stinging Nettle Root tincture from him. The roots were dug up in the spring from the garden where it was starting to take over. There was an abundance and now we both have this amazing healing tincture. What is cool is when seeing the nettle growing wild it has already flowered and gone to seed although with the constant pruning of the tops in the garden the flowering has been delayed and the plants just get bushier with continued new growth allowing for a continued harvest of the leaves. What they say the benefits in the article are is what myself has suffered from in the past so figure this is great preventative medicine for so many problems with the root tincture taking care of urinary problems. If anyone follows my sons page just wanted to let those know that he has been having internet connection problems that he is sorting out and am sure will be back online soon. ;) Stinging Nettle Leaf The stinging nettle leaf has been known to help reduce inflammation, allergic rhinitis, hay fever, and allergy-related symptoms. The acetylcholine found in stinging nettle leaves has been effective in treating neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Sciatica. Topical application of nettle leave medications can help alleviate body pain that originates from sciatica, sprains, lower back pain, osteoarthritis, and chronic tendonitis. It can also help treat skin irritations such as eczema and rashes. Stinging Nettle Root The root of the nettle plant contains polysaccharides and lignans that have an effect similar to steroid hormones. The stinging nettle root may also contain a lectin called agglutinin that may possess antiviral properties. In addition, the root also contains caffeic malic acid (CMA) which acts as an anti-inflammatory. Nettle root extract has also been used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, to help reduce the inflammation in the prostate gland.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 12:57:08 +0000

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