Had an interesting conversation today with an Episcopalian - TopicsExpress


Had an interesting conversation today with an Episcopalian priest...he told me that since we dont have the original manuscripts of the bible and that each of our modern day translations are only based on copies that are only several hundred years old and how the writers of the gospels not having a first hand knowledge of Jesus but only writing years later and embellishing as all writers do ....he said that when the bible quotes Jesus saying things like Ye are of your father the devil when talking to the scribes and Pharisees that it is ok to assume that Jesus didnt really say that because of scholars who have looked at manuscript evidence and have cross checked the context with other available sources......An Episcopalian priest told me that. A priest who was trained at a seminary. Heres the upshot: When the leaders of the church are telling their congregations its ok not to believe what their bible says and give some convoluted pretzel logic to explain themselves then no wonder the organized church has fallen out of favor for so many common men and women in this country who still have retained their common sense. If you believe God wrote the bible then you believe what it says. If you dont believe he wrote it then why are you pretending to act like someone who does? End of rant.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 22:23:41 +0000

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