Had an interesting conversation with a couple older Jehovah - TopicsExpress


Had an interesting conversation with a couple older Jehovah witnesses this morning. These 2 older gentlemen where doing their witnessing required for their Kingdom Hall and just so happen that my house was next on the list I guess lol. Its really cold outside and the wind was blowing really hard so I invited the two older Gentlemen into the house to talk for a minute. In the back of my mind I was inviting them into my house to do a little witnessing to them myself. ( what the heck you know. LOL The opportunity presented itself. :) ) Anyways they began to talk about a couple different things and everything they talked about I would quote the scripture to them before they could get it out basically. Even throwing out a lot of extra scripture for them LOL :) Its what we Apostolics do. We use scripture to prove Gods plans and will. Anyways. The oldest Gentleman seemed to be the one kind of in charge of the witnessing and the other man seemed to be there kind of as support for the older. Well as I began talking to the older man and basically the spirit of God was giving me scripture left and right ( bible says the Holy Spirit shall bring all things to your rememberance) The older man began to stop talking and started listening more than talking. Well the younger man seemed like he was getting a little excited with all the scriptures being talked about and he began talking with me about scriptures. Im not exactly sure if the older man was paying much attention or if he was amazed that this young man with jogging pants on and a messy house from the kids knew as much as he did. Or if maybe he was just a little intimidated a little. Im not sure. but either way to God be the glory. Because without the Lord showing me the truth it would be quite easy to be persuaded into something like these Gentlemen presented. They both came dressed nice and they both where well spoken. They both also knew scripture pretty well. Maybe even better than I do, but They both lacked something. The something they lacked was the Holy Ghost. It doesnt matter how much knowledge someone has theyll never be able to compare with the spirit of God that dwells inside of a person. I said something on facebook yesterday about Satan appearing to be an angel of light and to test every spirit. Because if you dont it would be seriously easy to manipulate certain things in the bible scriptures to trick you and when you become tricked youll never become treated :) Sorry I know that was a little corny in my reference to trick or treat. BTW Halloween is a pagan ritual that was manipulated by catholic and incorpoorated into the catholic church under a different name in order to keep the congregation from leaving. Anyways I even invited the 2 men back sometime to talk about scripture in hopes that maybe I could help one of them. 1 more thing. The older gentlemen got in a rush to leave when I started throwing out scriptures that I guess caught him offguard LOL. Paul said to be instant in season and out of season :) Be ready people and be prepared at all times. Know your bible and have a relationship with Jesus at all cost.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 15:36:37 +0000

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