Had another rewatch of Doctor Who:The Fires of Pompeii and in - TopicsExpress


Had another rewatch of Doctor Who:The Fires of Pompeii and in retrospect it featured three Doctor actors and three companion actors. For the Doctors it was the then current Doctor David Tennant, Peter Capaldi who is now the current Doctor and Phil Cornwell who played a Stallholder in this episode. Prior to The Fires of Pompeii, Cornwell had played a parody of the Ninth Doctor in Dead Ringers. As a Stallholder, Cornwell sold the TARDIS to Capaldi (who has since got the TARDIS for free). When the Stallholder told the Tenth Doctor that he had sold the TARDIS, the Tenth Doctor said to the Stallholder, “But it wasn’t yours to sell.” Since Cornwell had earlier played the Ninth Doctor on Dead Ringers, the Tenth Doctor’s comment was rather ironic from a casting perspective. For the companions it was then current companion Catherine Tate as Donna, Karen Gillan as a soothsayer and would go on to play Eleventh Doctor companion Amy Pond and Tracey Childs who on Big Finish played Dr Elizabeth Klein both a companion and an adversary of the Seventh Doctor. In The Fires of Pompeii, Tracey Childs is married to the Capaldi character, a case of the Doctor being married to his companion. In The Fires of Pompeii, the Tenth Doctor uses a water pistol in the presence of the soothsayers including the one played by Karen Gillan. Although the Tenth Doctor did not shoot Karen Gillan with the water pistol, Karen Gillan as Amy would later shoot the Eleventh Doctor with one in The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe. Payback perhaps.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 02:54:15 +0000

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