Had one of the most hilariously frustrating calls Ive ever had - TopicsExpress


Had one of the most hilariously frustrating calls Ive ever had today. Her: I just wanna try it. I want to know if it works for me first before I buy it. Me: Sure. You get that free supply with your order today. *explains the offers* Her: No, I just wanna try that free supply. Me: Yes. Youre getting that free bonus supply and trying it out no matter what package you go with today. You can get that first month free with our buy two get one- Her: Later. I wanna try the free month first. Me: And you are. You try it risk free with any promotion you decide to go with. (This goes back and forth for a few minutes with her attitude increasing steadily.) Her: It says I get a free bonus supply today. Me: Yes. You are certainly getting the free bonus supply with your order today. Her: This is so unclear. Can you make this more clear? Me: Im not sure how much more clear I can make it aside from you getting that bonus supply with your order. You even said yourself that youre getting the free bonus supply. Not sure how else I can word that for you- Her: I just want the free bonus supply and the free book and the other free thing that you get. Me: .... Um, Maam? Do you even know the meaning of the word bonus? Like, what that word means? Her: Yea, bonus supply means you get a free supply! Me: ....! Um.... (It was at this point where I burst out laughing. So much so, in fact, that I had to mute the phone.) This, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call a lost cause. Made my day, though.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 17:54:46 +0000

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