Had to Share This With You: Two years ago,I got diagnosed with - TopicsExpress


Had to Share This With You: Two years ago,I got diagnosed with Appendicitis(an inflammation of the appendix),I went to the hospital and the doctors said thats jus a minor surgery that wont make me last long in ward. So I had to be admitted in hospital for several check ups to confirm if its the disease which was to take 2 weeks in hospital bed. I kept on praying and asking myself,where has all this come from and just the other day I was chilling and chatting with my friends etc.... On my bed side was this same guy whom apparently had the same problem,and so we became friends.The pain was unresistant and so we jus had to use signs in communicating... When we both had drips and injections after a week,we both gained energy to talk and there came lotta stories of knowing one self more and more.... It was now two days to the surgery and we kept on praying coz I was once told when one enters the surgery room,chances of surviving is 50/50,but hey!,thats the devils mind. I kept on praying and apparently me and my new friend were scheduled for tha surgery on the same day. Tuesday 9;45pm:The surgeon came,my parents were there and they were meant to sign the certificates if they agree for the surgery or not etc.... On signing,all I remember was seeing my mom n sisters crying thinking that I was not gonna make it back alive. Before we were escorted to the theatre room with my friend,he said one thing to me Brother,all this will be well and God will guide us through it,lets all have faith,remember I was with you same room That point quickly hit my mind and I said Amen. Tuesday 1:50am:A succesful surgery was perfomed,my parents waiting outside the theatre room jus to see me open my eyes,I tried to since the injections were so strong that I couldnt even talk.Everyone was happy and the surgeon brought me back to bed. Wednesday 8:38am:I woke up feeling abit better but the stitches were not a story to tel since that pain was one of a kind,unresistable pain!... On checking my friends bed,there was no one,his bed was empty. I assumed and said am gonna wait n ask the nurse where my friend was.Minutes later,the nurse came,Hallo Heenie,how you feeling? Just some pain,but I guess ill be ok.... Excuse me nurse,where is my friend since am seeing his bed is empty? The nurse replied Am sorry to tell you this,but unfortunately yo friend never made it back,we lost him :( :( :( :( :( (SADDEST DAY IN MY WHOLE LIFE) I cried for a week,months,till date it still haunts me thinking of how I could help him survive n I was in the same state. Months went on,days passed and there came another sharp pain in my stomach,I thought it was a normal stomach pain and I just assumed,on telling my parent,they decided to take me back to hospital.The doctors examined and did some X-Rays and it happened that the part where the appendix was removed,bursted from inside and blood was just flowing onside my stomach.Back to hospital bed again.This time round I was just crying and the doctors insisted that I was going for another surgery.This time it was minor and so I made it through. Just the begining of this year,it bursted again and this time round I opted not to go for the surgery but instead the doctors had insisted again.I felt as if my body was a spare tyre for punctures all over.The doctors then Perfomed a minor surgery on me and again,I was Lucky to be alive. Till date,I always sit alone in my room and ask myself Am I the luckiest one when others are dying?,Am I the only one who has problems than others?... God has a purpose of me being Alive and I THANK HIM Till the day That Ill stop Breathing. I will forever Serve You God that I made it Alive. Mode of the Story:Thank God for every Breath you take,every Steps you make and More So have FAITH IN GOD and everything in your life will run smoothly. Had to share this with you: Be Blessed. ................*Heenie*...........
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 07:24:58 +0000

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